dan carlin blueprint for armageddon 4

//dan carlin blueprint for armageddon 4

(Much of the debt taken on by Newfoundland had been to finance its participation in The War.) So they capture him very quickly and run him off to be interrogated and. The French, your, The Germans are going to try to fake them into going into Belgium first because they think the Germans are coming in. Just like the government always said it happened, and I, asking a bunch of questions about conspiracies and, this or that aspect of the Kennedy assassination and only one of his answers. The, ventless approaching footfall of the detonations spoke to the paralyzed defenders of the devastation to come. Play over 320 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. It issued do it in injustice, no. The gun itself weighed about one thousand two hundred pounds the same gun, essentially in in one case that. Cookie Notice Just Dan being dragged into the blackhole of opinionjerk that is twitter. Ninety thousand man Army is roughly comparable to each other. Preview. That the, You can see in living? Please download one of our supported browsers. You know what the turn of the century and all this kind of stuff and he's he's really a rah rah Americana kind of guy. now imagine he does it again and then duplicated again, Enough times to where you got one point two one point three, The french revolution is when that really starts. If this were a movie, the events and cameos would be too numerous and star-studded to mention. Von Moltke puts his foot down, whatever side that Kaiser is commanding in these war games, these national maneuvers of national security importance, whatever side the Kaisers commanding wins automatically come on folks, that's, goofy and the Kaiser's a little goofy he's got this one arm that was damaged during his birth, was withered and had no strength. The Germans have a. Germany throws everything into a last series of stupendous attacks in the West while hoping to avoid getting burned by a fire in the East they helped fan. . 1. What is a greater mistake for the entire history of your nation as a unified in a country since. French are beginning to press in the opposite sense, as the Russians have been doing for some time. we'll demonstration of how this stuff can be used is lacking, and the military powers of the world. Are you in? will do. Many times, in other situations, where people have said. Someone if somebody had asked you a question who was the most important fig, by the world has gone the way it did. There are fantastically technologically sophisticated forts all through this one hundred and twenty mile border between Germany and France, with interlocking fields of fire, Did the Germans can't defeat that they did in eighteen? A position to decide to go or not to go to war that seems to put them in the driver's seat. British had just dealt with this not altogether successfully in South Africa, where atrocity issues happened, the, which are dealing with it in Asia and North Africa. When he decides to write a book on naval history, Kaiser like Roosevelt Reddit, was enthralled with it made all as you apples read it and then decided he was going to build this fleet to compete with Britain so that they, you know, wouldn't, Now, of course, all the governments in Europe that matter, keys and autocratic governments. You were going to screw up your entire plan for winning the war. My throat as an advice, end quote. The US, Viet Cong guerrillas very difficult to do. They've already done this job many times, they're going to be the only truly really experienced troops in this conflict which will make them to get back, above their weight class they're going to give, a lot better than their small numbers, probably in, I've often been asked by people how large, the. Those who, today he writes shower the viennese government with reproaches on the form and content of this ultimatum. For just this job, like I said earlier, the day was called deer tag the day this has been plan, Essentially a special unit of thirty thousand guys whose job it is to take out the sports at the Belgians, don't stand aside and surrender them the Belgians, stand aside and surrender them, and in fact the bell, Regions are going to teach the first great lesson of the war about, what's changed, since the last time, great powers faced off how much the. Divisions are still use, of course, in militaries today and if you want to think about, fifteen thousand men in a division is a kind of a rough size. The Archduke, by somebody in the motorcade that he's made a wrong turn and he has to back up. and supported by a modern 20th century state. We can turn the armies around. Where are those people right now, when the Belgians need them all they see or the german army marching through and burning things and perhaps shooting people? That's the luck of the draw, if the, Rob of Kaiser had been merit based, Kaiser Wilhelm. Five. It also involves a Japanese society that's been called one of the most distinctive on Earth. That's happening here: ok, militarism, the entire. This is a civil lawsuit. power states. It's a very modern way to use cavalry and and really the only way. Now on August. Hungary propaganda was to portray the enemy as comical, and he said that the bridge, in the French. For the Serbians to do French can't do that, you know hand over your national security keys to your most antagonistic historic enemy, I think so, and the Germans must have known that they knew they could. If you don't take the forts around a place like Lee, Asher or name. Going to be a little brutal for a while the guys like VON Moltke. You. This. Sometimes you get a great role and you end up with a gifted ruler and then, it almost seems wonderful that they've got so much power in their hands right? I, build some defenses, maybe as a sign that you know we can, it's really right in that period in human history, where fortifications forts reach, still build forts today, but it's nothing like it was well. You know. Twelve pound cannonballs, twelve pound cannonballs. Japan's leaders test the limits of national endurance in the war's last year. Track your ranks and reviews from Spotify, Apple Podcasts and more. to give orders and saw some soldiers whom I mistook for belgian gendarmes. Began to twist somewhat, but he went on repeating six or seven times ever more faintly as he gradually lost consciousness. start launching missiles and bombs, and I mean it doesn't matter. That's going to smash on top of the head of France. You cannot. Show 50 - Blueprint for Armageddon I. The Germans could say we weren't the first people to violate Belgium. the Russians say we're only doing this again: do you doesn't matter. Accuracy is not guaranteed. If you had just said what you were going to do before the enemy did, what they did might have been. You know government, The Russians had been defeated by Napoleon. It's one of the fine things we have lossed as a result of the french revolution. deployed where the Yamato, Japanese, super battleships and there's were eighteen point. Will consider Gavrilo Princip a heroic figure. An assassination attempt is happening and the secret, just get on the car and they speed away past the grassy knoll past the other assassin who never gets a shot at friends, And no one knows what to do. We're cousins were both Anglo Saxons were the same race. You know now when you look back on. Really looks like, though, if you some up, you know, I've read a bunch of stuff on this to me, what it looks like is, There was a small view among some people that, under, to be the Cassandra's in the story that the ones who actually prophesize accurate. What did people think that meant. The Belgians have it so that they're going to put guys in trenches so between. once the Germans are in Belgium, the British, ambassador to Germany, guy name, Sir, and, He delivers it into the hands of the german minister, a guy named Gottlieb, an ego and the german Chancellor guiding Theobald VON Bethmann Hollweg, Goshen New, that this was a historic meeting and he, put down what happened, and he said the Germans when they receive this ultimatum from him. The last thing they wanted to do was give them guns and train them how to use it right, training how to be better street fighters. trying to get the british? As we said, this is what makes it the greatest mistake, though, potentially in all german history. Violating Belgium, ends up taking a Britain that one historian says as recently as two days before they declare war on. Came in with the smoke pouring from cook stoves on wheels and in an hour had set up post office wagons from Witch mountain messengers, galloped along the line of columns, distributing letters and it which soldiers posted picture postcards the infantry he writes, came in files of five two hundred men to each company, the, answers in columns of four with not a pennant missing the, firing guns and field pieces were one hour at a time in passing each gun, The technician wagon taking twenty seconds in which to pass the men of, Infantry saying Fatherland, my fatherland between. The results are nightmarish. force at this kind of level and potency hasn't been on display in anyone's living memory, You're getting a view of a nation at war. Nobody. forward our people there supported by the guns at this wonderful system, and then you throw more troops out. I mean I, Franklin Roosevelt. the plane couldn't just drop from the sky and land on your house tomorrow. They were always worried about being encircled will look at them on a map. At this time too. The military side of that causes so corrupted taints everything that, in the adventure story of this guy because first. The eighth struck home, then the gun fell silent for the night, but the, this morning joined by the other, which is completed. a bunch of neutral states these are going to. There's an old phrase, the peace, used to use in the late one thousand nine, military planners in Europe at this time period or worried about something a little bit different. is being now is secondary compared to the killing power. What's interesting is you could conceivably put the name down of somebody who was historically speaking, you and nobody. Someday now. one of the best episodes of the show. That would turn the Germans into Genghis Khan, basically, which is exact, Woodland Mcdonald compares it to when she writes quote in the, kingdom, Germany's on honor had already been tried and found guilty. German are, at the beginning of the war, has more than eighty of these imagine, trying to control eighty Norman armies and it, not just about getting each division where it needs to go it's about sinking what they do together and when you start, organizing divisions into Coors and Coors and armies, then these armies have to support each other. Add to cart. You need him to, and these guns weigh a ton. And the bell, I have designed specifically to take these fortune. Guns that are this large, usually can only be put on ships. Stream 50-Blueprint-for-Armageddon-I-Hardcore-History-Dan-Carlin.mp3 by User 262838654 on desktop and mobile. But what are you going to do? In the 21st century now we've had a long time to absorb the ideas of 20th century, big and and how it's a legitimate aspect of war, and one of the things you do is. While you waited to negotiate putting the pin back in the grenade, you have that kind of time. It's four thousand meter trajectory and everyone listened into the telephone report of our battery commander, who had, observation Post, one thousand five hundred meters from the bombardment fort and could watch it close range, the column of smoke, earth and fire that climbed into the heavens key king continues quote, the first of the shells delay fused to explode. You know, stands out in my mind now, because it seems in a, was so hard for some people to accept what this guy was purporting. He was in the driver's seat and this work. I don't wanna put the people in arms, but when they did, they were able to triple the size of blue shoes Army and he took that army and fought Napoleon with it. How much that had changed the age old equation of war machines have been taken over for a long time becoming more and more important. logical side of your brain stands a pretty good chance of flipping and trying to defend the illogical position. and they were going to have to learn how to deal with this new reality. This is the point in the, take over the political process in a way that makes it impossible, politicians and the diplomats to do what they need to do to potentially stop this conflict. West Germany invades the neutral country of Luxembourg, the tiny little neutral country, Luxembourg. I thought she did a very balanced job, and so did Neil Ferguson Ferguson. German army. For example. They have a handshake deal and they're start to get a little bit worried about the handshake deal. He said he was watching some german cavalry where ride by and he could see the horses, but he couldn't see the guys on them because they just sort of blend with the fog in the mist in the twilight and the early morning hours in that color he goes on and on about how great that is and how cyantific it is. There is when they try to take these forts. With littlepractical battle experience to guide them, admirals were cautious about exposing their expensive ships unless they thought they had a decisive edge. Ive been read a few of them since your podcast. There were, european observers, for example at the American civil war. Well, I mean at one point in the story: the Kaiser will ask one of his military leaders to do something that is ridiculous. Is your network connection unstable or browser outdated? But would you believe it this veritable wall of dead and dying? Atrocities tend to happen. Whole societies, including neutral countries, The Germans don't understand that the way they are conducting themselves in Belgium is affecting public opinion, in places like the United States, which have large german american populations by the way which are cheering. Doesn't you don't want it lit up? You know. Here's a guy that that could shock people with the killing power of well used artillery and his big guns were firing. Listening to the show you just heard, fifteen thousand. When it comes to putting an army in the field, that's what the poll, part of the war machine, the ability to create these mass armies. The, using it becomes so important, though, is because, all the many controversies in this story. Color, there's nothing like it, tend to believe human beings are programmed to react to that specific color. They don't have time to sit there and starve things out. to the grassy knoll, where it proceeds to stall and stop. The allied, this Belgium thing you can imagine so much so that it incense people like Adolf Hitler who, so far behind the British and the french leader, the Americans then, did in the in the realm of propaganda. Can you create? But, and intimidating as they are meant to be. So each division- this is equivalent to a rather nice sized early medieval army. Didn't have that power for all. in a line of german advance during this time period was a very day. Famine, epidemics, general barbarism. The Blueprint for Armageddon has been your best podcast yet! Based leaders, You can say what you want about a Stalin or Hitler, or even a Mussolini who's been portrayed again in the West, like some sort of clown, but all of those people were formidable individuals who wrote, through the ranks at some level, the same thing with american politicians. The Austrians thought the kill, thrown? They will remember that these men were sons of their nation. it looks like the whole days been a failure. Belgium is. They they had more staying power. We have this splendid isolation and the Navy will protect us because, remember folks, look at a map of great Britain, the average, moat around their country and the greatest Navy in the world to protect it. the same time that the United States and Mexico are trying to corral Geronimo and a bunch of Apache's in the american southwest. we don't die stay alive for the children, that I see is the archduke by the color of his uniform to stop his head drooping forward and, Timothy was in great pain. Tiny sparks from the cobblestones, but the horses and men who beat out the sparks were invisible at midnight, ach wagons and siege guns were still passing at seven, this morning I was awakened by the tramp of men in bands playing jauntily, whether they marched all night or not. The stories of you know, the soldiers taking kuwaiti babies out of incubators and throwing them on the floor than stealing the incubators, and all these stories are normal because real atrocities are going on, but then they're magnified because the magnification works to the benefit of the enemies of the people. of July, the british Prime Minister wrote in his diary quote, The european situation is at least one degree worse than it was yesterday, and it is. The pub, firearms of suitable caliber should be turned over to the troops. Those guys in that cafe very well may have been working for the serbian intelligence service. hang a few of these saboteurs. What are the odds of that happening?. become to inter in that time period. And the idea now of these mass armies that your pet created was that you need. Terranean Forts Barbara Tuchman said like castles. powers. You know that does Gavrilo Princip. We are no longer capable of it. Why does it? From Germany's point of view, the first thing. For the serbian people, those countries exist without you know having to be just simply-, province in some other major superpowers territories to Serbs, This guy was a hero and to his compatriots, who all realized that they were like death, Baratos at the time, they all realized that they. punish you when they do not give probation. You know the, feats of arms and how the german military shown themselves to be so dominant american papers are not one hundred percent against the Germans.

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dan carlin blueprint for armageddon 4

dan carlin blueprint for armageddon 4

dan carlin blueprint for armageddon 4