which of the following is not true of sunspots

//which of the following is not true of sunspots

indication of what physical process at work in the Sun? First you will feel the light pressure of particles from the solar wind. They are cooler than the surrounding photosphere of the Sun. A) nuclear fission. Which of the following can be used to determine the temperature of a star? A) helium, gamma rays, and neutrinos. nitric acid and sulfuric acid, formed from nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide. The light radiated from the Sun's surface reaches Earth in about 8 minutes, but the energy of that light was released by fusion in the solar core about New resources and matter are being added to Earth's systems all the time. very young, because the G and K stars are still evolving towards, b. C) chemical reactions Hydrogen fusion in the Sun requires a temperature (in Kelvin) of. The region principally absorbs gamma rays, X-rays, and interacts with the solar wind. Question: Which of the following statements about spectral types of stars is not true? C) the Sun consists of gas in which many or most of the atoms are ionized (missing electrons). What are the appropriate units for the Sun's luminosity? The rate of fusion then determines how many neutrinos should be produced by the Sun, and theories estimate how many of these should be detected here on Earth. a. a disk-shaped nebula of dust and gas rotating around a relatively. Which is closest to the temperature of the core of the Sun? How can we measure the strength of magnetic fields on the Sun? E. D is not associated with transportation C) It predicted that the Sun could shine for about 25 million years, but geologists had already found that Earth is much older than this. D) The Sun always has the same amount of mass, creating the same gravitational force. (B) Sunspots look dark because they are cooler in temperature than the surrounding regions. B) It predicted that the Sun would shrink noticeably as we watched it, and the Sun appears to be stable in size. E. CO2 is a by-product of life processes. When is/was gravitational contraction an important energy generation mechanism for the Sun? D) a large change in the amount of visible light emitted by the Sun Use d. The top of the Earth's atmosphere is approximately *c. B) Solar neutrinos have been detected, but in fewer numbers than predicted by theoretical models. gases in the radiation zone. Why do sunspots appear dark in pictures of the Sun? C does not work beyond the silicon fusion cycle that produces, *a. Question: Which one of the following is NOT true? C) another name for the force that holds protons together in atomic nuclei. What do sunspots, solar prominences, and solar flares all have in common? How do we know what goes on under the surface of the Sun? They move across the Sun c. They are permanent d. They are caused by magnetic activity e. They vary in size 3. Jupiter's moons The planet Jupiter was accompanied by four tiny satellites which moved around it. No lakes or streams have been damaged by acid precipitation. A) The number of sunspots peaks approximately every 11 years. Instead he found that the number of sunspots varied with a . D) nuclear fusion. Which of the following statements about the sunspot cycle is not true? If the distance between two objects is cut in half, what happens to the Sunspots may also be caused by changes in the Suns rotation, which can cause its poles to move, creating changes in the magnetic field and sunspot activity. (D). a measurement of the composition (abundances of elements) inside. D) nuclear fusion of helium to carbon. Q. Astronomers observing spectral lines can observe red or blue shifts kn . A) chemical reactions a. It primarily absorbs harmful infrared wavelengths. The presence of sunspots can indicate storms on the sun, which can release bursts of solar energy called solar flares that can interfere with communication systems and cause harm to astronauts in space. The region principally absorbs gamma rays, X-rays, and interacts with the solar wind. E) Nothing; mass-energy is conserved. As you approach the Sun, you will enter the corona, an extremely hot layer of gas, but so low in density that you won't really feel how hot it is. (a) Dete thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen in the Sun's surface layers, *d. D) No one knows: this is the essence of the "solar neutrino problem.". D The statement "Sunspots are brighter than the rest of the sun's surface" is false. This reduces the energy reaching the surface, and the spots appear much cooler and darker than their surroundings. Which of the following types of stars or stellar remnants can have a, mass They also can create more auroras and can be a danger to satellites. C) radiation and elements like carbon and nitrogen. a somewhat irregular but always present cycle of build-up and, d. (b) Why does the thickness of the dam increase with depth. Write the Tollens' reagent chemical formula. B) weak force E) 4 H 1 He + energy. A distinct class of gases, particles, and other substances that the EPA has deemed worthy of regulating. A magnet, for example, may attract another thing. Which of the following statements about the sunspot cycle is not true? The Sun appears to have a cycle of about 11 years during which it waxes and wanes. What is the solution to the solar neutrino problem? D. They are surface disturbances caused by magnetic storms. Which of the following is true of the ionosphere? Sunspots are often accompanied by prominences and other features of the solar atmosphere. What is a small mass of tissue that is made up of Purkinje fibers, ganglion cells, and nerve fibers, that is embedded in the musculature of the right atrium, and that originates the impulses stimulating the heartbeat? These are now known as the Galilean moons: Io, Ganymede, Europa and Callisto. A homeowner starts a gasoline-powered 120V120-\mathrm{V}120V generator and clips its output terminals to "hot" and "ground" terminals of the electrical panel for his house. The main cause of sunspots is the suns magnetic field. Over time, solar activityand the number of sunspotsincreases. a gas shell, the atmosphere of a red giant star, slowly expanding. What are coronal holes? (E). A. A) 3 H 1 Li + energy. They occur in regions of lower-than-average magnetic fields. a. B. the oblate spheroidal shape of Earth E) Sunspots can produce flares and prominences. D is ineffective because so few countries have ratified it. D) core, corona, radiation zone, convection zone, photosphere, chromosphere, What are the appropriate units for the Sun's luminosity? c. GEOG 1112 - Chapter 3: (Questions)Earth's Atm, GEOG 1112k- Chapter 9: Climate Classification. What proportion of climate scientists has concluded that humans are the primary driver of today's climate warming? They vary in number on an 11 year cycle. Briefly explain how the Sun became hot enough for nuclear fusion. How is the sunspot cycle directly relevant to us here on Earth? C) sun spots Why must the Sun's rate of fusion gradually rise over billions of years? Iron nuclei are so large that they occupy all remaining space and, c. If the Sun suddenly stopped emitting neutrinos, what might we infer (after checking that our neutrino detectors were still operational)? B) the linkage of numerous protons into long chains. Fill in a chart like the one shown here to illustrate key aspects of Thomas's voice. The Sun's surface, as we see it with our eyes, is called the No, sunspots do not always occur in pairs. Sunspots have a temperature that is about 1,500C cooler than the temperature of the rest of the suns surface. B ) D) an alternative way of generating energy that is different from the fusion of hydrogen into helium. with a precise period of 11.3 years. to overcome the collapse and stabilize the stellar, d. A The surface of the Sun is a very busy place. D) The chromosphere and corona are both best studied with radio telescopes. False. B) They are all shaped by the solar wind. Solar flares are a sudden explosion of energy caused by tangling, crossing or reorganizing of magnetic field lines near sunspots. Two of the protons are ejected back into the solar material. atoms into one helium atom. Satellites in low-Earth orbits are more likely to crash to Earth when the sunspot cycle is near solar maximum because The interior of the Sun is under such high pressure that it is a, 31. C) gravitational force and surface tension D Sunspots tend to occur in cycles that last 11 years and the peak phase of this cycle is often referred to as the Solar Maximum. While the atmosphere exerts pressure, it is a negligible amount. Most of the CFC-induced ozone destruction is occurring near the equator, rather than near the poles. absorbs visible light wavelengths. Solar sunspots are temporary features on the photosphere of the Sun that appear visibly as dark spots compared to surrounding regions. D. Air pressure at sea level is approximately 1013.2 mb. B) solar flares evolution, in order of increasing mass? E) converting gravitational potential energy into electricity. 32. D) X-ray observations that penetrate the gas C) because they move at nearly the speed of light E) They emit light in other wavelengths that we can't see. The poles have the smallest variation in summer and winter day lengths. The Sun is a relatively young star, near the beginning of its life. They often appear in pairs or clusters. D. Since 1959, the global concentration of CO2 has increased by 27%. The number of sunspots has been historically linked to the 11-year sunspot cycle, where sunspots peak in intensity approximately every 11 years. *b. A) thousands of degrees. b. Muons are created by cosmic-ray collisions at an elevation h (as measured in Earth's frame of reference) above Earth's surface and travel downward with a constant speed of 0.990c. they are brighter than the rest of the sun's surfaced. What is a possible solution to the solar neutrino problem? These spots are the result of two traits of the sun: its strong magnetic field, and its violent convective motion. D) Neutrinos have a tendency to pass through just about anything without interactions, making them very difficult to detect. aims to reduce and eliminate all ozone depleting substances. A star's lifetime does not depend on its mass. B) by observing the sizes of sunspots: Bigger sunspots mean a stronger field Which of the following choices is not a way by which we can study the inside of the Sun? *b. B) observing X-ray images of the solar interior using satellites A) About a thousand trillion neutrinos are passing through your body every second. d. A) several thousand years ago. producing excess energy and therefore will not produce the. They often occur in pairs of opposite magnetic polarity. Sunspots typically occur in groups, with individual sunspots ranging in size from roughly 16 miles to over 80,000 miles across. Describe some of the early theories for why the Sun shines and why they are no longer accepted as viable. D) gravitational force Based on function, the atmosphere has D) The Sun initially began generating energy through nuclear fusion as it formed, but today it generates energy primarily through the sunspot cycle. is on the last page, tear it free and turn it in separately. the monitoring of a distant object without physical contact. Line spectra C. Light from sunspots D. The star's magnetic field Thermonuclear fusion reactions in the core of the Sun convert four, hydrogen a band running from upper left to lower right, d. E) The rate of nuclear fusion in the Sun peaks about every 11 years. is Which of the following statements is not true? Because they are moving rapidly away from the Sun and their, spectra A magnet is an item with magnetic qualities. power of the temperature by the Stefan-Boltzmann relation, why. B) Sunspots are brighter than the rest of the Sun's surface.C) Sunspots can be up to 12 times larger than Earth. Humans have not sent a spacecraft into the interior of the Sun to confirm any models of the interior. Magnetic fields on the sun are produced by the sun's uneven rotation and. the outflow of neutrinos from the interior, c. D) structure within sunspots. sufficient to halt the collapse. Why does the surface of the Sun appear to have a sharp edge? E) The mass of a neutrino is 30 percent of the mass of an electron. sunspots are brighter than the rest of the sun's surface. A) 600 million tons Describe a Laura y a Elin usando los verbos recprocos. E) because they are so small. E) neutrinos from the solar core reach the solar surface easily. E) all of the above. Sunspots can appear in groups, or clusters, and their life-cycle can last from days to weeks to months. Sunspots are dark, cooler areas of the solar surface that appear darker when compared to the rest of the surface due to the intense magnetic fields surrounding them. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. These heated the interior enough to allow gravitational contraction and nuclear fusion to occur. a. Because of the electromagnetic force, the two protons will B. Determine the distance traveled a B) 4 million tons are white dwarfs intrinsically so faint? Main sequence, red giant, planetary nebula, white dwarf: Main sequence, planetary nebula, red giant, white dwarf. A) The number of sunspots peaks approximately every 11 years. Briefly describe what you will see as you descend. Which of the following is TRUE? What happens to energy in the Sun's convection zone? mostly carbon dioxide and water vapor. Commonly associated with turbulent solar weather, magnetic field lines become more tightly wound as the rotating field and plasma interact. C) The rate at which fusion occurs would decrease, leading to a contraction of the core, which would in turn cause a further temperature rise. Air consists of? What happens to the missing matter? method of collecting geologic data. Earth represents a closed system in terms of matter. B) regions in the photosphere where magnetic lines gather, creating cooler areas with much less plasma Sunspots are more important to global warming than GHGs There is more methane in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide Arctic Greening will absorb most of the carbon we emit to the atmosphere Greenhouse gases are by far the largest contributor to modern global warming Volcanic explosions can cool Earth's climate for hundreds of. While the early part of the sunspot record before 1800 is still characterized by large uncertainties due to poorly observed periods, the more recent sunspot numbers are mainly affected by three . B We don't know, since their lifetimes are longer than the age of. is considered beneficial in trapping UV radiation. A) The Sun generates energy by fusing small nuclei into larger ones, while our power plants generate energy by the fission (splitting) of large nuclei. At the center of the Sun, nuclear fusion converts hydrogen into A. C) Energy is transported outward by the rising of hot plasma and the sinking of cooler plasma. B) ejected into space by solar flares. 5. C. potassiumhas a lower ionizationenergy than sodium D. All of this additional energy can cause an increase in solar activity, including more frequent and powerful solar storms. Sunspots are darker than the surrounding solar surface because they are caused by concentrations of strong magnetic fields that inhibit convective currents, preventing the transfer of heat from the interior of the Sun to the surface. Why do sunspots appear dark in pictures of the Sun? the poles to the equator of the Sun over an 11-year period. C) holes in the corona of the Sun that allow us to see the photosphere D) The Sun's gas is on fire like flames from wood or coal, and these flames emit visible light. These eruptions can cause problems with satellites, disturb communications and even the electrical grid on earth. The Milky Way Galaxy contains over 300 million stars Our solar system consists of 8 planets, more than 100 moons, drawf planets, asteroids, and meteors The planetesimal hypothesis pertains to the formation of the planets. Sunspots on the surface of the Sun are regions of intense magnetic activity, appearing as dark spots in visible light due to the cooler temperatures found in these regions. Which of the following is true of the September equinox? Our Sun will end its life by becoming. A. As such, they are transient and not permanent. 4. C) the wind that causes huge arcs of gas to rise above the Sun's surface 4. The eclipsing of the light from one star by the other, when, d. compared B) variations in the temperature of the photosphere companion, stratus cirrus altocumulus cumulus nimbostratus 27) Which of the following is false regarding air masses? Which is the strongest of the fundamental forces in the universe? Which of the following is true of the ionosphere? E) The Sun does not emit neutrinos. produces the auroras. known B) Both processes involve nuclear fusion, but the Sun fuses hydrogen while nuclear power plants fuse uranium. The corona is even shaped differently, streaming more from the sides of the Sun instead of forming a more spherical shape around the Sun, as when the magnetic field is weaker. D) constantly rising to the surface through convection. Which of the following best explains why the Sun's luminosity gradually rises over billions of years? your choice on the answer sheet. Reset Help deep-ocean trenches 1. Question 17. Which of the following is not a method astronomers use to determine the physical conditions inside the Sun? a subjective determination of temperature. C) monitor changes in Earth's atmosphere. How long will the Sun have spent as a main sequence star when it. C) The rate of nuclear fusion in the Sun peaks about every 11 years. The statement that is not true about solar sunspots is that they are permanent. E) all of the above. According to modern science, approximately how old is the Sun? E) about 150 million kilometers (the size of an astronomical unit). B) At solar minimum, the first sunspots form at mid-latitudes on the Sun. All radio signals pass through this region virtually unaffected. B B C) 4 tons It occurs in large amounts in the atmosphere relative to other gases, such as nitrogen and oxygen. B. C) They are regions nearly devoid of gas. when hot stars are on the main sequence. Because they have very thin atmospheres that do not emit, continuum B) one hundred years ago. They are distributed approximately uniformly over the Sun's surface both in position and in time. Which the following is not true of sunspots? Sunspots are areas that appear dark on the surface of the Sun. contains hot B-type stars on the main sequence and cooler G- and, K-type D) kilograms. A C) corona. *b. Main sequence stars all have approximately the same mass, by, 25. 3,200 km (1,988 mi) above the Earth's surface. C A) 6 H becomes 1 He + energy. For the last few years we've been at what we call solar minimum. Wayne didn't need a degree in _____ to know that the living version of the beast whose bones he discovered was _____ by human standards of beauty. A) three days ago. C) The Sun's core gradually expands with time, and this expansion means there is more room for energy to be generated and hence increases the Sun's luminosity. b. B This inhibition of convection causes the temperature of the sunspot to reduce, making it much cooler than its surroundings. B) "sunquakes" are caused by similar processes that create earthquakes on Earth. 3. ozone and VOCs. C) The Earth's natural magnetic field already offers excellent protection against the onslaught of solar neutrinos. B) With each subsequent peak in the number of sunspots, the magnetic polarity of the Sun is the reverse of the previous peak. Why is the hole in the ozone greatest over Antarctica? Which of the following best explains why nuclear fusion requires bringing nuclei extremely close together? nitrogen oxides and ozone C) The Sun rotates faster at the equator. A rapidly rotating neutron star, producing beams of radio energy. C) extremely hot plasma flowing along magnetic field lines. Under these conditions, hydrogen atoms come so close together that they fuse. Sunspots appear and disappear in a cycle that lasts approxi- mately 15 years. B) 600 tons Because of a combination of thin, icy clouds and Antarctic wind patterns which trap chlorine freed from CFCs. E) all of the above. c. C) The hydrogen gas in the Sun is balanced so that it never rises upward or falls downward. 10 km (6.21 mi) above the Earth's surface. C. It is critically important in regulating the temperature of the planet. Physics College answered Which of the following statements is NOT true about sunspots? Most choices will fit grammatically and will even make sense logically, but you must choose the pair that best fits the idea of the sentence. A) They are too cold to emit any visible light. A) The Sun's mass is about 300 times the mass of Earth. B Sunspots occur in pairs. Question there were no dark energy, the expansion of the universe would be: constant accelerating decelerating . d. Only about 1/3 of the expected number of neutrinos is observed. A) about 1023 A This expansion cools the core back to its normal operating temperature. 1. A) because there are so rare The sun has an 11-year cycle of sunspots on its surface. A) photosphere B) photosphere. They change size b. 3. A dam is used to hold back a river. B) red B) the Sun is made of atoms and molecules. Tree rings show the history of drought, fire, and other environmental variations. A) building mathematical models that use the laws of physics D) They actually are fairly bright, but appear dark against the even brighter background of the surrounding photosphere. Modelo A Mara (le-les) encantan las pelculas romnticas. What keeps the Sun's outer layers from continuing to fall inward in a gravitational collapse? Which of the following processes is involved in the sunspot cycle? C E) the winding of magnetic field lines due to the Sun's rotation, What observations characterize solar maximum? These magnetic fields are produced by complex interactions within the solar atmosphere which can cause energy to be released in the form of flares, coronal mass ejections and other eruptions. Solar neutrinos coming from the Sun have been detected, but in fewer numbers than predicted by theoretical models. How can we best observe the Sun's chromosphere and corona? A) Theoretical models predict that neutrinos should be produced in the Sun, but no neutrinos have ever been observed to be coming from the Sun. Almost all elements heavier than hydrogen and helium were made inside stars. D) a few hundred thousand years ago. Day-length decreases from the winter solstice until the vernal equinox, when it begins to increase. E) the weak force. Ozone in the lower troposphere question sunspots can be up to 12 times larger than earth. gases in the convective zone. B B) 5,800 K. Earth and the Sun formed specifically from, The photochemical reactions responsible for photochemical smog produce. (E). b. was ratified by the U.S. Congress in 1987. Which of the following is TRUE? The helium produced from the fusion of hydrogen has less mass than the hydrogen that goes into its formation. By what process does the Sun generate energy? We also provide a link between extrinsic uncertainty arising in games (e.g. A) Nuclear fusion in the Sun's core produces visible light photons. How do massive stars normally end their lives? What happens to energy in the convection zone of the Sun? d. Question Which of the following apply to Quasars? What is the velocity in the duct? Suppose that, for some unknown reason, the core of the Sun suddenly became hotter. C) The core would heat up, causing it to radiate so much energy that it would shrink even more. Sunspots are darker because they are cooler than the surround area. Re-insert C) of increased magnetic interference. A geographic information system is a C) They are extremely hot and emit all their radiation as X rays rather than visible light. D) 90% dark matter, 10% ordinary matter, From center outward, which of the following lists the "layers" of the Sun in the correct order? the regular movement of a relatively constant number of sunspots. C) The chromosphere is the source of X rays, and the corona is the source of radio waves. D) 37,000 K. What is the solar wind? The longest day of the year occurs on the December solstice. Gravitational equilibrium means that the surface and the core of the Sun are at the same pressure. no larger than about 1.4 times the mass of the Sun, otherwise. B) joules B) millions of degrees. A) the electromagnetic force b. D) dust particles in the Sun that haven't been turned into plasma D While the quality of observations was good, consistent observation was lacking. B) because they have no mass Air pressure at sea level is approximately 1013.2 mb. convective motion of gases in the upper portion of the Sun's, 24. A) The Sun rotates faster at its poles. D What would happen to the core of the sun if its temperature rose slightly? D) the Sun is roughly the same color as blood. D) The cycle is truly a cycle of magnetic activity, and variations in the number of sunspots are only one manifestation of the cycle. It increases to 4 times its original magnitude. B) the Sun generates energy by nuclear fusion. Sunspots are regions on the suns surface that appear darker than their surroundings because they feature slightly cooler temperatures than their surroundings. The circle of illumination passes through both poles. Once a year c. Every 2 years d. Every 11 years e. Every 10,000 years 4. Furthermore, the magnetic fields associated with sunspots have the ability to absorb light, providing the dark spots with an even further reduction in contrast. a. 13. How do we know how old the solar system is quizlet. D) they are more likely to have their electronics "fried" by a solar flare during solar maximum. d. the greater the stellar mass, the less the luminosity. E) attract one another. The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram is a plot of. B) We can make a computer model of the Sun's interior that allow us to predict the observable properties of the Sun. A. A) Fusion reactions in the Sun ceased a few hundred thousand years ago. is considered beneficial because of the production of O3. C C) chemical reactions. (1gallon of water is 8.36 pounds), Question 5 of 20 Which layer of the Sun do we normally see? What was the major drawback to this idea? an earthbound technique not used in modern satellites. C C) It is rapidly converted to energy when it meets an ordinary electron, resulting in matter-antimatter annihilation. A Sunspots are dark spots that appear on the surface of the sun and typically live for days to weeks.

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which of the following is not true of sunspots

which of the following is not true of sunspots

which of the following is not true of sunspots