| | | |axe fighting +3 | |35 |paladins|Elvish Bow | | | |physical +60%, fire +40% |0.80 |sorcerers|Katana | |22 | |220 |physical +3%, fire +8% |19 | |64.00 | The official | | | |knights|Earthheart Hauberk | ||Lit Small Lamp |35.00 | | GitHub - aevitas1/tibia: Tibia Calculator | | ||Templar Scytheblade |75 |physical +4%, earth +5% |45 | |180 ||Medusa Shield | | | - Melee (Axe/Club/Sword) training for knights | |24.50 | |12 |29 |77.00 |10 | |99.00 | | | ||Icy Crystal Mace |120 | Calculators - TibiaPedia |9.00 | |2.00 |3 | | Double event. | | |51.00 |2 | | ||Terra Rod | | |41.00 |energy +4% |paladins|Umbral Chopper |18 | | UPDATE 3: New adjustments to the EK spells, this time correctly following TibiaWikis formula and applying the latest balance changes to the character level bonus in the formula seems to produce better results. |66.00 |3 |79.00 |knights|Diamond Sceptre ||Snake God's Wristguard |ice +3%, energy -3% |40.00 |5.50 |8.40 | |61.00 | | |50.00 | |35 |56.00 | |45 |magic level +1 |70 |20 | |knights|Glooth Club | | Some spells that are not in TibiaWiki and neither where in TibiaStats are approximations according to tests I made. |50 |7 | |200 |paladins|Falcon Longsword | | |0 |400 | |1.50 ||Family Signet Ring | | | |42.00 Transfer checker. |sorcerers and druids|Enchanted Werewolf Helmet (Sword) | | |85.00 | |2 | ||Lightning Boots |distance fighting +3 | | | ||Moonlight Rod | ||Lit Rift Lamp |200 |80.00 |7.00 | Loading Calculators Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. | | |33.00 |20.00 ||Torch of Change | |63.00 | |sorcerers and druids|Collar of Red Plasma | |25 | |80.00 | |120 |1 |75.00 |13 |holy +8% | | |knights|Cobra Club | ||Soldier Helmet | | |37 ||Icy Spike Sword ||Haunted Blade |18.00 | |sorcerers|Wand of Defiance |50 | | How much (constant) damage is dealt by field runes, e.g. | |27 | |200 | |33 |80 |0 | |knights|Pharaoh Sword | |, | | | |60 |17 ||Icy War Axe |0 | |26 | ||Ogre Choppa | |20.00 | | ||Energy Spike Sword ||Lightning Pendant |49.00 ||Hive Bow |84.00 |physical +5% | |200 | | | | ||Charged Alicorn Ring | | |25.00 | ||Windborn Colossus Armor |50 |axe fighting +3 | |85.00 | | | | Tools for video game 'Tibia', TibiaLootSplit, Imbue calculator, Stamina calculator, Boss Timers, Exercise Weapons calculator and more. |paladins|Frozen Plate | |knights|Umbral Crossbow | |6 | |200 |48.00 | | |34 |knights|Wailing Widow's Necklace | |6.00 |9 |80.00 |magic level +2 |magic level +2 | |12.00 |sorcerers and druids|Dragon Scale Legs | | | | | | |sorcerers|Living Vine Bow | |distance fighting +4 |68.00 |50 |18 |65.00 | |sorcerers and druids|Scale Armor |fire magic level +1, energy magic level +1 |50.00 | | | |84.50 | |0 |120 | |10.00 | ||Krimhorn Helmet | |59.00 |knights|Arboreal Crown | | |18.00 | | | |sorcerers and druids|Spellbook of Warding | |100 | | UPDATE: EK spell damage has been updated. |22 | |200 |magic level +1 |126.00 | | ||Coat |35 | | EDIT:: It's been brought to my attention that this doesn't match tibiastats at higher levels. |physical +5% | |1 | | | | |sorcerers and druids|Mastermind Shield | | | | ||Rift Lamp ||Short Sword | |sorcerers and druids|Deepling Squelcher ||Unstable Ring of Ending | |52.00 | |energy +5%, earth -5% |25 |17 |45.00 |0.90 Tibiantis Info is a fansite of Tibiantis - 7.4 Open Tibia Server. |68.00 | | | |earth +5% | | |8 | |23.00 |19 Tibiastats spell damage was last updated in 2009, wiki formulas were last updated in 2012. |55.00 | |knights|Hammer of Wrath | |druids|Oriental Shoes | |magic level +2 |24 |speed +30 |7.00 | |26 |magic shield | ||Anglerfish Lamp (Unlit) | | | Sorc Spell Damage Sheet : r/TibiaMMO - Reddit ||Depth Lorica | |21 |25.00 ||Umbral Master Chopper | |20 | |100 ||Mathmaster Shield (Replica) | |18.00 |10 | | ||Helmet of the Ancients | ||Cranial Basher | |physical +6% | |20 | |11 | |55.00 | | |knights|Umbral Master Slayer | | | |120.00 | | |19 | ||Blister Ring ||Energy Dragon Slayer | | | |45.00 |400 | | |35 | |16 |shielding +1 |knights|Ragnir Helmet | |0.90 | | |56.00 |distance fighting +2 |ice +7% |6 |0 |knights|Zaoan Armor | |60 |80 |75.00 |earth +5%, fire +5%, ice +5%, energy +5% |29.00 |2 | | UPDATE 2: There is still an issue with the EK spell calcs, I am reviewing the code atm. |8.00 | | |24 | |27 ||Iron Crown |distance fighting +2, holy magic level +1 |magic level +5 |35 Exercise Weapons Calculator. | |1 |sorcerers and druids|Spike Shield | |40 | | | | | |59.00 | |80.00 | |150 | | | |50.00 | | | | | |120 | ||Earth Spike Sword | | | | | |energy +8%, earth -8% ||Embrace of Nature - the Tibian Heuristic Artificial Intelligence System T.H.A.I.S. |270 |29.50 | | | |120 | | | ||Ferumbras' Candy Hat |0 |0.85 ||Jungle Bow | | | |2 | | | |30 |knights|Gnome Shield |82 |sorcerers|Spear |sorcerers and druids|Thundersoul Tabard | | |0.90 |25.00 |axe fighting +5 | | |36 | |9 | | | | | | |25.00 ||Torch (Small) To raise your magic level you have to cast spells and use mana. ||Ring of Wishes |knights and paladins|White Dress |82 |2.00 |death +5% ||Might Ring | |22 | |1 |10 | |25.00 Check if you get cheaper to imbue Void with items or buy Gold Tokens. | | |82.00 | | |8 |13 | |38.00 | | | |knights|Metal Bat | | | |2.00 |5 | | | |200 | |3.50 | | Note: For a precise calculation of the time and cost to get a certain skill, select the Regular weapon type. | ||Traditional Stein |sorcerers|Gill Gugel | | ||Prismatic Armor |2 | | |76.00 | | | |35 | ||Bright Sword |8 |paladins|Doublet |5 |26 | | | | |41.00 |4 | |11.00 | | | | | | | | | | |120 | | | |20.00 ||Orcish Axe | | | |speed +5 ||Icy Dragon Slayer | | |paladins|Hive Scythe |45 | | | | |80 |32.00 |400 |magic level +3 | |90 | |38 ||Sleep Shawl | | Albo ktra jest najstarsza? |knights|Swampling Club | | | |0 |knights|Small Stone |7.30 | | | |0 The formulas used are from TibiaWiki and some multipliers are from TibiaStats. | | |14 | |130 |0 | |speed +10 | Created by Kusnier. |0 |150 |22 | |physical +60%, ice +40% |29.00 |200 ||Calopteryx Cape | |2 | |0 | |65 | | | ||Lightning Headband |75 | |8 |5.00 | | | |knights|Royal Scale Robe | ||Jade Amulet | |35 |18 | | |1 ||Mino Shield If you select 'offline' training, the tool assumes full 12h of offline training per day. |knights|Terra Hood | |35.00 | | Privacy: Your email address will only be used for sending these notifications. | | ||Dragon Scale Helmet |sorcerers and druids|Lion Plate | | | | |2 | | | | | |75 |5.00 |30 |37.00 | |knights|Rattling Gourd | |20.00 |15 ||Exotic Legs |0 |magic level +2 | ||Christmas Branch |300 | |300 | |knights|Earthmind Raiment | | | ||Focus Cape |54.00 | | | |47.00 | |18 | |35 |82.00 | |70 | |29.00 ||Energized Limb | |250 |80 | | |50 |7.00 |0 |100 | |distance fighting +4 |45.00 |100 |energy +12%, earth +12% |20 | |knights|Energy Headchopper |27.00 | |60 |druids|Molten Plate |40 | | | | |4 |magic level +4 | | |22 By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. |15 |fire +6%, ice -6% | |16 | |13 |57.00 |sword fighting +4 | |ice +12%, energy -12% |knights|The Shield Nevermourn | | | |12 |35.00 | |0 |0 |10.00 | | | | | | | | |knights|Ravenwing | ||Bridal Wreath | | | |35 |180 | | |physical +3%, fire +6%, ice -5% |2.00 | |60 | | | | | |50 ||Hailstorm Rod |30 |knights and paladins|Lavos Armor |5.00 |7 |17.00 |physical +5% |12 | |40 | |12 |0 | | | | ||Giant Sword |12 | | |60 ||Burial Shroud |0 | | | | |19.00 | | ||Shimmer Wand ||Ratana | |knights and paladins|Depth Calcei |9.50 | |49.00 | | |energy +3% |shielding +3 ||Execowtioner Axe |sword fighting +4 | |knights|Sparking Rainbow Shield |12 | | |15 |energy +8%, physical +3%, ice -2% | | ||Axe of Destruction ||Eye of the Storm | |32 | | |0 |58.00 | |19 | ||Lit Rainbow Torch |220 | | | | |40.00 | ||Metal Wall Lamp | ||Earthborn Titan Armor |paladins|Platinum Amulet |death +5% | | | | |knights|Ring of Secret Thoughts | | | | | |30 | | | | |230 |11.00 |25 Private dummy. | | |400 if you have problems with them update your browser or try another browser, This calculator was created for creature products but it works with all npc sellable items, so keep in mind prices here is what NPCs pay for the items, also you may need to have completed quests to be able to trade with some NPCs |67.00 | | |24.00 |sorcerers|Axe Ring ||Ferumbras' Hat | ||Mathmaster Shield | |2 | |90.00 ||Damaged Helmet | | Remember that shielding and defense are not included on this calculator. | ||Silver Necklace | |62.00 | | |80 | | | | |20 | | |42.00 | |0 |ice +8%, energy -8% | | | |0.10 |22 | | |29.00 |earth +2%, fire -2% |18.00 | |220 ||Deepling Axe | | |3 | Calculator to work out the amount of experience points needed between two levels. |paladins|Divine Plate | | | |death +6% | |38.00 |death +5% | | | | | |energy +12%, earth -12% | | | |5.00 ||Black Jade Cobra UPDATE 4: Decided to not follow TibiaWiki formula for EK spells. | |0.80 |165.00 | |energy +8%, earth -8% Age calculator. Summary. |6.00 | |26 ||Crocodile Boots |2.00 | ||The Eye of Suon |105 |82.00 | |78.00 | | |sorcerers and druids|Jester Hat |1 | | | | ||Prismatic Helmet |5.00 ||Terra Amulet |sorcerers and druids|Helmet of Nature |100.00 | |sorcerers and druids|Dwarven Armor | | | | | | |physical +7%, ice +7% | |8 | |death +3% | |400 |27.00 |distance fighting +4, magic level +2 | | | | |100 |16 | | | ||Lit Torch (Quest) |knights|Umbral Master Mace | | | |magic level +2, energy magic level +2 |250 |20 | |400 | | | | |paladins|The Justice Seeker | At some point I will do some tests to confirm the results (atm I have just a low level EK because my old char has been sold in the bazaar). | | |11 | | |8.00 |15 | ||Reaper's Axe | | | |32.00 |75 | |36.00 | | | | | |19.00 |magic level +1 | ||Sulphurous Demonbone ||Plate Shield |48.00 |20 |75 | ||Impaler of the Igniter | | |magic level +1 |13.00 |27 | | ||Bone Club |fire +6% | |100 TibiaPal.com - Training Calculator |63.00 | Desired skill with loyalty included. |knights|Eerie Song Book | | | | |10.00 | ||Club Ring |paladins|Ornate Mace |23 ||Fiery Crystal Mace Ive used the tibia stats spell damage calculator for a long time, but I always wanted to compare different levels and magic levels, so I made a new spreadsheet. |28.50 | |knights|Cobra Wand | |270 |knights|Icy War Hammer | |22 |23.00 | |75.00 ||Earth Knight Axe |18.00 | | | |23.50 | |230 | |1 | | | |0.40 | | | ||Ferumbras' Amulet |knights and paladins|Feather Headdress | | | | |3.50 | This tool calculates the time it will take you to reach your target skill while | | | ||Royal Axe |physical +5% | |knights|Amber Staff 2020 Tibia and all game graphics belong to Cipsoft GmbH. |54.00 | |8 |14 |16 |knights|Energy War Hammer | | | | |earth +4% | |65 |250 |25.00 | |120 | | | | |1 |300 | | | ||Summer Dress | | |2 |150 |paladins|Charged Arboreal Ring |5.20 |sorcerers and druids|Falcon Plate | | | |35.00 |magic level +3 |0 | |40 |250 |3 | |400 ||Yalahari Leg Piece |40 | |sorcerers and druids|Cape |8 | ||Book of Lies |earth +12%, fire -5% |earth +4% | | | ||Energy Orcish Maul | |22 | | |17.00 Other stuff, like skills, is 500. ||Enchanted Pendulet | |180 |1 Tibiantis Info - Skills training | | |270 |52.00 |20 |knights and paladins|Feverbloom Boots | |knights|Umbral Master Crossbow | |30.00 | | |120.00 | | |1 | | |45.00 | | |12 |15 |140 Desired skill. | | |holy +2% | |11 |13 |16.00 |magic level +2 | ||Sorcerer Test Weapon Test |knights|Warlord Sword |150 These calculators require Javascript, |33 |16 | | |38.00 | |48.00 |30 | | | |97.00 ||Brutetamer's Staff |38 ||Viking Shield |1 |300 |25.50 | |15 |magic level +5, healing magic level +1, ice magic level +1 ||Silver Mask |knights|Umbral Bow |4.55 | |14 | |120.00 |66.00 |31 |90.00 To use, clear your Server Log and look all your loots, paste the info here. | | |12.50 ||Purple Flower Lamp (Unlit) |11 | | ||Jade Zaoan Queen ||Jade Hammer | | |300 |0.80 | |paladins|Blue Robe |paladins|Sandals |paladins|Ranger Legs |86.00 |life drain +5% | |death +4% |61.50 | |20.00 | |145.00 | | | | |physical +2% | | | |0 Winter Update 2021 brings three new effects that can be added to weapons, armor and helmets using the Exaltation Forge. | | | |12 |2.00 ||Shimmer Glower |paladins|Crude Umbral Hammer |19.00 | ||Poison Dagger |45 |25 ||Golden Helmet |75 |80 | |210.00 ||Pirate Hat | |170.00 | | | |400 |9.80 ||Hellforged Axe |0 |fire +8%, ice -8% |400 | |mana drain +20% | | ||Crystal Lamp |25.00 | ||Shroud of Despair | |death +2%, holy -2% | | |15 ||Obsidian Zaoan Pawn | ||Lucky Clover Amulet | ||Enchanted Spear | | | |0 |1 |25.00 ||Green Demon Helmet | | | | |magic level +4 |35 ||Strange Amulet |5.00 | |speed +20 |36.00 |28.00 | | | |2 |fire +12%, ice -12% | | | |2.00 |0 | | | | |120 | | |25.00 |3 |19.00 | |250 | |42.00 | | | | | |paladins|Crowbar ||Earth Mystic Blade |sorcerers and druids|Firesoul Tabard |1.10 | | |50.00 |axe fighting +3, club fighting +3 | | There is a spell, called Magic Shield, that makes damage taken by monsters (or possibly players if you play on a PvP -server) not reduce your Hit Points, but your Mana. | ||Brass Legs |12.00 | |80 | | |3.50 | |knights|Glooth Spear |0.20 | Age calculator. | |68.00 | |fire +5%, earth +5%, energy +5%, ice +5%, holy +5%, death +5%, physical +5% |100.00 | | ||Gloomy Poisonous Fungi (Lit) | |20 | | | | | | |physical +10%, energy +15% | | | | |5.40 | | |50.00 |22 |18 |27.00 ||Mystic Blade | | |80 | | | | | |40 | |21.00 |9.00 | | |7 |8 |knights|Warrior's Axe | | |58.00 |49.00 |earth +3%, fire -3% | ||Demon Shield ||Shield of Honour | ||Jade Zaoan Rook | |11.00 | ||Umbral Master Spellbook |65.00 |19 Calculator for the Hot Cuisine event, get the ingredients very fast. |8 ||Enchanted Werewolf Amulet | | |60 | | | |knights|Fur Boots | | | |35.00 |sorcerers|Badger Boots |paladins|Dark Wizard's Crown |knights|Dragonbone Staff | | | Character Skills See Skills Calculator . | |65 Ideal for calculating how many CT would cost you to buy GOLD in lukewarm. | | ||Chain Legs |82.00 |12 |earth +6%, fire -6% |10.00 | |250 |30 | |earth +6%, fire -6% |55.00 |51.00 |2.00 | |fire +8%, ice -8% | |33.00 | | ||Assassin Dagger |200 |physical +3% |8 |12 |29.50 ||Chain Bolter |60 |50 | |knights|Falcon Battleaxe | | |9 | You can find more information about our cookies on our. |55.00 |sword fighting +4 |distance fighting +4 | | | |0 |magic level +4 |10.20 | | |61.00 |120.00 | | |25 |250 |sword fighting +3 | |18 |31.00 |sorcerers|Wand of Draconia |35 |35 | | |38.00 | |42 |magic level +2, fire magic level +3, energy magic level +3 |ice +4% |75 |faster regeneration | |40 | | Current skill % to next. ||Dragon Lance | |0 |6.50 |35.00 |4 ||Obsidian Zaoan Queen | | | |earth +8%, fire -8% | |earth +4% ||Dark Whispers |10 |35 |19.00 |paladins|Soulful Legs | |15 | | | | |12 |10 | | | | |8.20 Tibiantis Info is a fansite of Tibiantis - 7.4 Open Tibia Server. | | | |100 | |15.00 | |59.00 ||Rapier |23 |distance fighting +3, magic level +1 | | | |distance fighting +2, sword fighting +2, axe fighting +2, club fighting +2 | | |ice +8%, energy -8% |5.50 | | | | |0 | |0 | |sorcerers and druids|Energy Barbarian Axe |knights and paladins|Dream Shroud |hard drinking |23.00 | | | | |14 | Transfer checker. |3.80 | | ||Demonbone Amulet |100 | | | |95.50 ||Life Preserver |mana drain +5% |32.00 |61.00 | |6.50 |sorcerers and druids|Golden Crown | |75 This tool can be used to check the character's real skills without the loyalty bonus, which should be the same used on the official highscores. |ice +7% | |29 |100 | ||Dream Blossom Staff | | | | | | |35 |26.00 | |18 |sorcerers and druids|Frostheart Cuirass |10 |1 | | | | |25.00 | | | | |17.00 |physical +4% |20 |knights|Umbral Master Axe | |46.00 | |distance fighting +4 | | | | |100 |0 |paladins|Rift Lance |60.00 | ||Glacier Robe | |ice +3%, energy -3% | | |drowning +100% |0 |85 |75 | T.H.A.I.S. | |16 | |15 |100 |1.00 |28 | | | |19 |18 | |5.00 | | | ||Dragon Eye (Replica) |knights|Twin Axe |5.00 |1 |physical +3%, earth +8% | | | ||Black Pit Demon | |faster regeneration | ||Sulphur Blossom Lamp (Unlit) |47.00 |8 |0.90 |10 | | ||Earth Crystal Mace | |80 |sorcerers and druids|Frostsoul Tabard | | |18 | | Join the TibiaQA team as a COMMUNITY MANAGER! | | |85 |91.00 | |36.00 | | |28.00 |100 |50 | | | | ||Shield of the White Knight | | | |knights|Energy Clerical Mace |12 ||Torch (Medium) | | |115.00 |, | | ||Yalahari Armor | ||Bronze Necklace |48.00 |sorcerer|Ferumbras' Staff (Failed) | | |fire +3% | | | |62.00 | |20 | |37 |knights|Clerical Mace | ||Shapeshifter Ring | | |35 | | |20 | |physical +3%, ice +7% ||Golden Sickle |0 |knights|Coconut Shoes | | | | |5.00 |30 | |knights|Claw of 'The Noxious Spawn' | |sorcerers and druids|The Crown of the Percht Queen (Fire) |32.00 | | | | |38.00 | ||Poet's Fencing Quill | | | | | |22 | | | |80.00 |400 | |18 | |17 | |30 | |220 |sorcerers and druids|Spellbook of Dark Mysteries |36 | | |20.00 | |50 |77.00 | |72.00 |35 |sorcerers and druids|Traditional Leather Shoes | |130 |knights|Headchopper | ||Werewolf Helmet ||Seashell Lamp | |120 |18.00 |sorcerers|Charged Spiritthorn Ring ||Barbarian Axe |0 | |29 | ||Zaoan Wall Lamps (Lit) |paladins|Chaos Mace | | | |99.00 | | |50 | | | | |37 | | |38 | | | | | |180 ||Sickle |13.00 | |physical +4% | |48.00 | |16.00 |29 | |8 | |physical +2%, ice +9% |21 | | | |7 | | |64.50 | | |3 |knights and paladins|Mutant Bone Boots | |60 ||Ornate Chestplate |18 | |distance fighting +1 |energy +8% |40.00 |35 |51.00 |42.00 |250 | |0.90 |14 | |17 This one is in test phase so verify the prices and if you find any problem report it here, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. | |16 | |90 | | |5.00 | | |51.00 | | |3 |37 |ice +3% |220 |drowning +100% |31.00 |18 |8 mtmak9/Tibia_Rune_Calculator - Github |60 |17 ||Shoulder Plate |400 | ||Dark Helmet |druids|Spectral Dress |sword fighting +3, Cleave 3% |0 | | | |distance fighting +3, sword fighting +3, club fighting +3, axe fighting +3 | |110.00 | | | |paladins|Eldritch Claymore | |5.50 ||Seashell Lamp (Lit) |holy +7% |41.00 | | |20.00 | |distance fighting +2, shielding +2 |6.10 |club fighting +4 | | | |physical +2%, holy +7% ||Jungle Quiver | |physical +13% | | |26 | | |29.00 |65 ||Rainbow Torch | | |7 | |83.00 |2.00 |magic level +1 | ||Sun Mirror |speed +15 | | | ||Filled Receptacle | | | |61.50 | |8 | | | |1.55 ||Werewolf Amulet |29 |physical +3%, earth +7% |39 | | | | | | Calculate Reset. |60 | |50 |8.50 |shielding +2 |270 ||Knife | | |145.00 |earth +5%, fire -5% | |magic level +2 |75.00 | |49.00 |31.00 | | |12.50 | | | |knights|Two Handed Sword |sorcerers and druids|Silver Chimes |12.00 | | bombs? |mana drain +10% ||Obsidian Zaoan King |0 |physical +5% |200 | |19.00 | | |300 ||Leviathan's Amulet ||Robe of the Ice Queen | | |13 |0.20 |speed +300 | |18.00 |5.00 | |100 |250 | | | |30 |knights|Ornate Testtplate | | |25 | | ||Ravager's Axe |26 | |2 | |50 ||Kitchen Lamp | | |9 |physical +6%, energy +10% | |23.00 | | | | | | | | Scan this QR code to download the app now. | ||Broken Amulet ||Great Axe |2 | |31 ||Ring of the Sky | | |knights|Lion Longbow |energy +4% |magic level +2, healing magic level +2 |33.00 | | | | | | |18.00 | |35 |5.00 | |sorcerers|Voltage Armor ||Fiery War Axe | - Distance training for paladins, Join our Discord channel to stay up-to-date! | |70 ||Mortal Mace | | ||Blue Sphere |magic level +2 Level calculator. | | |8.00 | |energy +8%, earth -8% | |91.00 |magic level +4, death magic level +1, Magic Shield Capacity +80 and 8% ||Butterfly Ring |50 |75 | | |400 | |200 | |knights|Golden Axe | |8 |8 |sorcerers and druids|Enchanted Turtle Amulet |18 |magic level +2, fire magic level +1, perfect shot +65 at range 4 | | |100 |knights|Crude Umbral Bow |faster regeneration |59.00 | | |22 |180.00 ||Throwing Star | |fire +5% |19.00 ||Legion Helmet | | | |knights|Enchanted Werewolf Helmet (Distance) |42.00 |earth +5%, ice +5% |44.00 | | | | |0 |400 | |36 | | | |90 |knights|Gilded Eldritch Greataxe Spoiler (click here to show spoiler) Fill the data according to your character in P. . |club fighting +1 |15.00 | |0 |22 | | |sword fighting +2, club fighting +2, axe fighting +2 |80 | |200 |knights|Spellbook | |120.00 | | |club fighting +2 |5 | | | A tag already exists with the provided branch name. | |7 | |paladins|Silver Dagger ||Sedge Hat | | | |0.80 ||Antler-Horn Helmet | | ||Blue Legs | |3 |82.00 |4 Exercise weapons - Exevo Pan Check if you get cheaper imbuir from Vampirism with items or buying GT. | |42 | |18.00 | | |physical +4% | | |9 ||Snakebite Rod |physical +2%, life drain +10% | |17.00 | |70.00 ||Curly Hortensis Lamp (Lit) |knights|The Chiller |knights|Phantasmal Axe | |knights|Slayer of Destruction | |druids|Naga Sword |26.00 | | |knights|Wooden Sword |52.50 |18.00 | | | | | | | | |80.00 |400 |50.00 | | |0 | | |8 |9.50 |27 ||Mining Helmet | | ||Jade Hat |fire +8%, ice -8% |16 | | |150 |21 | | |18.50 |25.00 |35.00 | |300 |sorcerers and druids|Lion Spangenhelm | | |75 | | |3 |220 |25.00 | |35 |0 | |30 | | ||Ancient Tiara |6 |0 |400 | |270 | |2.20 |32 | |death +6%, holy -3% | |axe fighting +4 | | | | ||Buckle |2 |12 | |80 ||Iron Hammer | | | |31.00 |axe fighting +2 |1.20 | |28.00 Sorcerer Druid. |distance fighting +2 | |death +5% | | | | | | |18 | |sword fighting +5 |150 | | ||Gloomy Poisonous Fungi (Unlit) |80 | | | ||Heroic Axe |knights|Icy Headchopper | | | ||Rose Shield | |400 | | | |12.00 | |50 | |28 | ||Jade Zaoan King | | |40.00 |11.00 |18 ||Crossbow of Destruction |physical +2% |10 |paladins|Shimmer Rod | |39.00 | | |21 | | | ||Tunic | | |40 |65 |5.00 | | | | Use Calculator Gold Changer Ideal for calculating how many CT would cost you to buy GOLD in lukewarm Use Calculator Profit and Waste Calculator to distribute profit in a team hunt. |earth +4%, fire -5% discord.gg/f2hESCbgvz. |250 | | ||Little Big Flower Lamp (Unlit) |energy +8%, earth -8% |15 | | | | |55.00 | |58.00 |26.50 | | | | |paladins|Bast Skirt ||Icy Mystic Blade | | |physical +3% | | | |5.00 | | ||Dragon Robe | | |50.00 | |10.50 | Charm Damage Calculators Exercise weapons Find out how many exercise weapons, time and money would cost to achieve your desired skill Loot Split Manage and split your party hunt loots Stamina Calculate and track how much time it takes to restore your stamina Imbuements Cost Calculate the cheapest way to buy materials for your imbuements for example a lvl 100 with ML 50 deals more dmg than a lvl 80 with the same ML? | ||Snow Globe | |59.00 | |fire +6% | | |0 | |26.00 | | |130 |sorcerers and druids|Steel Shield | |60 | |3.30 |20.00 | | | |30 |5 | | | | |knights|Earth Heroic Axe | | |magic level +2 |99.00 | |37.00 | |0 | | |magic level +4 | |physical +80%, death +80% | | | | |druids|Falcon Wand | | |250 | | |52.50 | You will find here a knowledge base, calculators and various statistics. | |5.00 | | | |39.00 |149.00 |ice +2% ||Guardian Boots | ||Lightning Robe | |63.00 |15.00 | | | ||Skull Helmet | | |0 |65.00 |65.00 |230 | |4 |62 |80 | | |52.00 |45 |29.00 |ice +3% |62.00 | |180 |26.00 | | | |without|Stealth Ring | |12.00 |18 | |25.00 |death +3% | |59.00 | ||Elven Amulet | |60.00 | | The color for physical damage might vary depending on the creature that receives it. | ||The Ironworker |12.50 | |80.00 |9.00 |400 |43.00 |41.00 | |4.50 |knights and paladins|Swan Feather Cloak | |knights|Fireheart Cuirass | | | |32 |17 | | | | | | |84.50 | |150 |physical +3% Achievements checker. ||Dwarven Helmet | | |death +3% |knights|Thunderheart Platemail | | ||Noble Armor Damage is the result of some kind of attack. |6 | |87.00 |400 | | | ||Skull Staff |80 |0 | |axe fighting +5 | | |sorcerers and druids|Gnome Legs |0 |84.50 ||Tusk Shield |sorcerers|Farmer's Avenger |145.00 |fire +4% | |200 |druids|Soulmaimer |35 |8.00 ||Jade Zaoan Bishop ||Traditional Neckerchief |45.00 | | |paladins|Elven Legs |sorcerers|Wand of Everblazing | | |50 | | | |mana drain +15% | |11.50 |20 | | |knights|Dragon Scale Boots | | | | | | ||Post Officer's Hat ||Earth Relic Sword ||Spellweaver's Robe | | ||Little Big Flower Lamp (Lit) ||Angelic Axe |sorcerers|Alicorn Quiver | |3.00 |10.00 |130 | ||Fiery Mystic Blade |sword fighting +3 | | |0 | |40 |9 |earth +10% |20.00 | ||Glooth Whip | | |20 | | | |sorcerers|Wand of Vortex | | ||Dwarven Shield | |8 | | |8.40 | | |30.00 | | ||Greenwood Coat |druids|Makeshift Boots ||Energy Mystic Blade | | | | Expand the different rows to see the different magic levels, and expand the columns to see the min,max,avg, difference for each spell EDIT:: It's been brought to my attention that this doesn't match tibiastats at higher levels. |knights|Banana Staff ||Lion Axe | ||Crown Shield |31 |10.00 | Also note the distance hit % used is the max you can get with a high distance skill, I will adjust it to properly calculate the miss chance for low distance skills according to TibiaWiki formula. | | | | | | |70.00 |51.00 | | | | |0 ||Brass Armor | |40.00 | | |20 | ||Ogre Klubba | ||Terra Helmet | |paladins|Red Robe |10.00 |18 |sorcerers and druids|Pair of Dreamwalkers | | |physical +3% |, Pages using DynamicPageList3 parser function, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. | | |24.00 | |sorcerers and druids|Earthsoul Tabard | |5.60 |magic level +3 ||Mace of Destruction | Stephan van der Meijden 2023. |knights|Firemind Raiment |12.20 |15 | | |40 |distance fighting +2 |7 | | |25.00 ||Chain Helmet | - Magic level training for mages (Druids & Sorcerers) |37.00 | | |27.00 |48.00 |11 | |89.00 | |145.00 |4.00 |80.00 | | |22 | | |14 | |22 ||Wand of Dimensions |knights|Rift Bow | | |27.00 |shielding +4 |19.00 |250 | | ||Golden Bell |15 |magic level +1 | |110 |120 | |sword fighting +3 |45.00 |78.00 |150 |paladins and without|Rift Shield | |60 | | |18 | | | | |5.00 | |19.89 |knights|Battle Hammer |club fighting +5 |knights|Pirate Knee Breeches | | |sorcerers and druids|Zaoan Helmet ||Knight Armor |0 |knights|Star Ring | |19 | | |0 | ||Broken Visor |10 | |47.00 ||Firewalker Boots | |40.00 | |sword fighting +4 |5.00 |3 |knights|Enchanted Werewolf Helmet (Club) |23.00 | | |150 |32 | | | | ||Void Boots ||Mythril Axe | |druids|Arcanomancer Folio What is the city of residence of King Tibianus? | | |22.00 |9 | | | | |270 | | ||Ice Chandelier The only rune that does not cause magical damage is the Explosion rune, several instant spells are available for knights but the only non-knight spell that doesn't cause magical damage is Physical Strike. | |38 |knights|Eldritch Tome | | Speed calculator. |20 |physical +6% ||Ornamented Shield | |0 ||Rotten Demonbone ||Gryphon Mask |145.00 |150 Tibiantis Info - Magic level | |knights|Falcon Mace ||Tagralt Blade ||Carapace Shield | |2 |400 |death +10%, holy -10% | |36 |67.00 |27.00 |55 | | |25.00 | |25 |18 ||Phoenix Statue (Replica) ||Table Lamp |knights|Dragon Hammer | ||Fiery Knight Axe ||Death Ring | |120.00 ||Crystal Boots | |0 | | |1 | | | ||Titan Axe ||Ornate Crossbow | | |knights|Soulhexer | |knights|Souleater (Axe) | | ||Grandiose Lamp (Lit) |0 | | ||Turquoise Flower Lamp (Lit) Forge simulator. |38.00 |400 | | | | | | | |28.00 | |sword fighting +4 |28 |sorcerers and druids|Brass Shield |12 |paladins|Bow of Destruction Test |0 |120.00 |knights|Hammer of Prophecy | | | ||Icy Blacksteel Sword | | |25 | | |fire +5% |55.00 |69.00 | | | | | |sword fighting +1 | |85.00 |21 |druids|Musician's Bow | | | ||Naga Quiver |knights|Magic Sword |15 |knights|Blade of Corruption |physical +4%, fire +2% | | Damage is the result of some kind of attack. | | |29 |41.00 |8 |4.50 | | ||Bunnyslippers
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