daily prophetic word fathers heart

//daily prophetic word fathers heart

TheLordstrong and mighty, the Lord mighty inbattle. I see a divine plumb-line being set in place across Canada. My husband and I had been married earlier that day, we had just left our wedding reception and we were standing in the hallway of a beautiful hotel and were just about to enter our honeymoon suite. I see a large number of prodigals returning to the church. I immediately ran into the House. Do you know who thosekingsare? I hear the sound of rumbling in the Church in Ontario and also heard is the sound of grumbling coming from the enemy. I watched as they detonated and released what I knew were Holy atomic bombs that also devastated the assignments of the enemy. I saw the Lord was releasing greater revelation of Authority to His Ecclesia (his Government) to destroy the power of witchcraft and the occult and displace it with the life and love of Jesus Christ. Sealed, I decree that you will embody this Girdle and as you do, you will fulfill the will of the Father for your purpose and destiny. I am here to lift you high above the enemys sight line. I see the Joy of the Lord begin to strengthen you and undergird you in this hour as you step into new beginnings as a fresh wave of a revelatory anointing settles upon you! The marriage represents living as ONE. I watched as great beams of light appeared. A Nation chosen to reflect the Father's heart and to release the Father's Love through a message of reconciliation. Matt 15:13, Even now the ax of Gods judgment is poised, ready to sever the roots of the trees. Ontario You will make a way where there is no way. The Father is re-forming His Apostolic government into the image of Jesus Christ resurrected! With the inauguration of these Kings comes the birthing and rising up of an Apostolic army across the earth! Leaning over the top of the Silo, I began to release these WORDS from the Lord over him by declaration and decree.As I did, Oil streamed out of my mouth and poured down upon this Prophet/Father until he was completely saturated it!Its not by might, not by power but by My Spirit says the Lord of hosts. I see a pearl emerging as a result of the negative forces that have been seemingly against you Saskatchewan. I see an increase and a rising up of the healing balm of Gilead. (Matthew 13:39b TPT). I heard the Lord say, "Prepare the way for the birthing of many sons and daughters in the land! I see the Joy of the Lord begin to strengthen you and undergird you in this hour as you step into new beginnings as a fresh wave of a revelatory anointing settles upon you. And when people wore these jackets obstacles and hindrances were removed from their midst as they moved forward in the yoke of Christ. The Bride never stopped to explain anything to these people, she just kept dancing and Jesus made Himself known to them. Rise up mighty warriors for you carry a mandate for war! What has been old has now become new. Fresh oil is being poured on you today. Ask for Katie. From Heaven He will thunder against them. Canada- I decree that you will be used mightily by the Spirit of God to change the course of the destiny of many Nations! I hear the Lord say that in this season- nothing shall be impossible for those who believe! I see a firm backbone being infused into the body of Christ, a strengthening and a straightening of your spinal cord, I see a rod being inserted into your spinal cord to keep it upright and in perfect alignment with the Fathers plans. Box 14127, Springfield, Missouri 65814. I see spiritual mothers arise, likened to Deborahs and Esthers, to bless and birth peoples and nations into their true identities and destinies. Just like an actual Kaleidoscope works by reflecting light, they too, will reflect the Light! 2018 will be a year of taking and establishing new territory for the Kingdom of God. And He will make me walk on my high hills. Recently, the Lord began speaking to me about a specific childrens story called "The Tortoise and the Hare". And I see the Spirit of God also called the Spirit of Adoption---turning the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the. The enemy would seek to cover you and smoother you while you sleep but I have come to revive you and restore you for My glory! Rise up sons and daughters and receive the Nations for your inheritance! I realized that I was the Bride of Christ and the Lord was showing me what He was doing with His Bride and what she would wear. It was highlighted to me, to consider the biblical story of Zechariah, who was high priest and father of prophet/forerunner, John the Baptist. I declare, the Father is freeing up a people who will represent His Heart to the Nations! They have the new wine coursing through their veins- the resurrection power! The Lord will judge the ends of the earth and HE will strength to His King and exalt the horn of His anointed - His people. I see the release of a fresh dance anointing. They kept their hearts merciful, loving their enemies and blessing those who cursed them. Whenever God does something new, He prepares His people to perceive what He is doing by revealing it to their Spirit. I saw that there was so much brush in this yard and the dead branches and dead trees were actually hiding the living branches and trees that were fruitful. Village life ceased, it ceased in Israel, until I, Deborah, arose. I see the turning of the tide and a shifting of gears- a momentum is being created and sustained by the Spirit of God. Similarly, in this new Era, the church is about to enter the fullness of her true identity in Christ and will begin to live out her destiny in Jesus Christ. New exciting offer for Course 101 Activating the Prophetic, The Inaugural Season of Gods Poured Out Anointing (PDF with Free Video). Today, the favour of God is resting upon you. Do You Need Someone to Agree with You in Prayer? Their emotions full of bleeding sores. I heard the Lord say- Africa, I am releasing you from the assignments of the enemy that have caused you to become weary and faint. Do not turn to the right or the left; remove your foot from evil. And I saw that no flesh could cross over this Threshold. Today, you will be encountered with the Fathers plans for your destiny! The broadcaster on the screen announced. For when I send them as My enforcers, I will activate the mantle of war that I have placed within them and they will retrieve and secure the inheritance that I have promised for them and for their children and for their childrens children. I see the Spirit of God that has been hovering and covering many lives that have been marked by Intercession ---the rhema word of the Lord is breaking through and I see those ones breaking loose from the wiles of the enemy and enter into the fullness of the promises of God for salvation and healing and deliverance. Its a well- balanced meal, a well-balanced release. His love burns in their hearts. The gospel is not complicated! Meanwhile, sons/daughters view God as a loving Father and see themselves as His beloved sons and daughters. Go higher, go deeper, go further. 2 Samuel 16:13. I could hear them one after the other loudly exclaim, my compliments go to the Chef!I also saw other servers in the restaurant who were playing instruments and singing, providing a wonderful symphony of amazing music. Align yourselves with the Father-heart of God. Father God, I confess that I have consciously/unconsciously yielded to an evil spirit of mockery. The mouth was mute and unable to speak. in the past but now they are shrivelling up and are dying. I will use these very things to bless and strengthen and launch you into new beginnings! The mold has given form and shape to the life within but is no longer needed (much like a jelly mold). He is marvelling at the beauty and the resilience HE sees and HE wants you to know that He is so pleased. Prepare to receive the Harvest God will split the rock for you! One heart and one mind. Today, you are unstoppable! As I walked through the restaurant, I saw that the food they served was being freshly 'cooked up' in the kitchen by the master Chef- God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). A Vision and WORD for the Apostolic Mothers that God is awakening, equipping, and mobilizing, all across the globe, RIGHT NOW! 1 Samuel 2:10. 2 Chron. They were unable to embrace the cost of true discipleship; the partaking of the life of Jesus Christ in both His suffering and His victory through submission to the Holy Spirit. The Lord showed me that some of these ones sitting here had been born and raised at this table- and they had been taken captive to do the will of the enemy from a young age. Canada was created to glorify God. Then I noticed people standing below him and they were trying to be helpful. Psalms 126:1-6 Reads: WhentheLordbrought backthe captivity of Zion, we were like those who dream. I saw -- The kingdoms of this world becoming the kingdoms of our GOD! Father we take you at your word today and we receive it for ourselves. She was the collective daughters who had been trusting the Father and were now being called to the frontlines- into the Military Command Centre in this season! I declare- demonic strongholds are breaking, religious mindsets are falling, generational curses are being broken and ungodly yokes are lifting! Unity to operate and flow and grow together as one body in Christ! They are unstoppable because the spirit of might rests upon them and the power of Resurrection surges in their bones! Amos 3:7- Surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secrets to His servants the prophets the message bible translation says it this way: Without first telling his prophets the whole story. Reach out and take My hand for I have come to lift you up and heal your land! God is going to be dealing with and healing past relationships- ----in a suddenly moment! The dress and every jewel was totally shooting off like lightening with colours in every direction. I saw this was a military tent and knew it was the Headquarters or Military Command Centre for the army of God. They brought out their sick and their lame, and not one was left standing. Text "FHM" to 2012776097 to join our free SMS Texting List! Amen. To console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified." I hear the LORD say The reign of shame is over!, I SAW the SPIRIT of SHAME come like a terrorist attack and hold you hostage for many years, but the Lord says- TODAY is the day you walk away from SHAME! Their weapons of warfare are being stirred up to be released, they are powerful gifts given by the Spirit -for such a time as this. Jesus is in the streets! Let go of the ungodly yokes that have weighed you down and let me free you up from the agendas of man. I sense this image of my husband carrying me across the Threshold is a prophetic visual of what Jesus Christ is wanting to do in this hour in Canada. This girdle is a type of war mantle that God is releasing right now for His Intercessors in Canada, so they can re-form and re-shape Canada into perfect alignment with the Fathers heart. * * * NEW POSTS * * * Please Share this Article: Every week I take some time to listen to the Father's heart to receive a prophetic word of inspiration for those who are part of this community. Then I heard the Lord say, the fathers need mothering. As the beams of light hit the chains, I saw the chains of bondage breaking apart and falling off! Its time for a new wardrobe- time for new garments- its time for a new mantle. They will not hold back as they retrieve and restore all that has been stolenthey carry the fire of the Fathers heart for Canada. I see the eyes of these Apostolic warriors being cleansed and anointed with wisdom and discernment to see clearly the vision and task at hand. Give me all the trauma and pain of your past. When God occupies us, the enemy can no longer touch us. KEY WORD for First Nations people of Canada is Restoration- The Lord is restoring the years the locusts have eaten;, redeeming and restoring the time, making all things new. I see the Father is so pleased to have raised up the least likely, and to set them into their destinies! Their orphan hearts were transformed into the hearts of daughters. I see the Father coming to the Inuit people to make dreams come true! When you see these things, your heart will rejoice. I release a revelation of the Fathers love to overtake you, to shake you and to make you lay hold of your purpose and destiny in Jesus Christ! God is good! Behold His promises are yes and amen! A Davidic army arises as the Kingdoms of Saul are taken down. Your sonship is a fact, says God. I saw couples and singles and whole families eating together. Although this was a supernatural act it was like these people has a sense of purpose and focusthey were in agreement and submission to this transitionlike "come on" lets get across from the wilderness into our Destiny. They dont know their identity or their purpose. In the Spirit, I saw a TV screen and on it was a news broadcaster. I was amazed as I had just witnessed a suddenly moment before my eyes, the depth of the darkest valley had just been transformed into the peak of a beautiful mountain! We want to be the Prophets in your life! Boldness and the fear of the Lord is returning to take front and centre stage in the hearts of Canadian Christians. Holy Spirit is here to release what is needed to move forward. With the removal of these thorns- comes an ease for greater unity within the body of Christ. All the while, He is shaping and forming us into new wineskins- into our true identity as sons and daughters! The darkness foretold by Isaiah is telling us to get ready because our light has come. Then I was shown a small army of prayer warriors who have been believing and proclaiming and holding the promises of God for many years and I saw that it was their obedience and faith that has been the catalyst for this new move of the Spirit in North America. The Spirit revealed that this woman was called Deborah. Walls becoming wells! (Feb. 1, 2019), The Father is Commissioning His Joan of Arcs in Canada! I saw there was a light shining in through a window at the very top. Then we will feel about others the way the Father feels about them and think about them the way the Father thinks about them. Isaiah 43: 18, 19 Forget the former things, Behold I do a New Thing! There is a rumbling and a stirring- there is a rising up of the Warriors. But then I saw the Father stepping onto the scene with His agenda- an agenda of restoration and healing.

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daily prophetic word fathers heart

daily prophetic word fathers heart

daily prophetic word fathers heart