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//joe arpaio daughter

County legal expenses: $1,586,152. Mike Huckabee, the former Governor of Arkansas, joined his daughter, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, on ABC's "The View" Wednesday morning to defend Joe Arpaio, the. [241][242] He faced Martha McSally and Kelli Ward in the August 28, 2018, Republican primary. [107] The analysis also showed that many sheriff's office employees, whose salaries were paid from the restricted detention fund, were working job assignments different from those recorded in their personnel records. v. Joseph Arpaio", "Sheriff Joe Told to Clean Up His Jails Again", "Joe Arpaio's Victim Deborah Braillard: Family Agrees to $3.2 Million Settlement, ABC15 Reports", "Key evidence in Maricopa County Jail death suit of Deborah Braillard 'destroyed', "Civil Rights Division Maricopa County Sheriffs Office Investigation", "Justice Department lawyers sue Arizona sheriff in civil rights probe", "Sheriff Joe Arpaio sued by Justice Department in civil-rights probe", "Justice Department lawsuit involving Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio", "United States of America v. Maricopa County, Arizona", "Feds settle lawsuit vs. Arpaio's office", "U.S. Finds Pervasive Bias Against Latinos by Arizona Sheriff", "Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Office Commits Worst Racial Profiling in U.S. History, Concludes DOJ Investigation", "Feds Pull 287(g) Authority From Maricopa County Jails Because of Civil Rights Violations", "Appeals Court Reinstates Civil Rights Lawsuit Against Joe Arpaio", "U.S. sues Arpaio's office over treatment of Latinos", "Judge rules in favor of DOJ in suit against Arpaio", "County votes to settle DOJ lawsuit vs. Arpaio", "Maricopa County Agrees To Settle Part Of Racial Profiling Case", "Sheriff Arpaio says Obama's birth certificate is forged", "Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio: Obama birth record 'definitely fraudulent', "Exposed: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Birther Scam Here's the Proof that Arpaio's Posse Fabricated Evidence and Lied to the Nation", "Joe Arpaio: Obama birth certificate a fraud", "Brewer disagrees with Arpaio findings, believes Obama birth record real", "Arizona Officially Accepts Obama's Birth Record", "Sheriff Arpaio on Obama birth certificate: 'I'm not going to give up', "Ariz. sheriff backtracks on praise for KKK", "Judge: Arpaio will face contempt hearing in April", "Arpaio admits contempt of court, offers public acknowledgement", "Judge sends marshals to seize evidence from Sheriff Joe Arpaio", "Judge seeks criminal contempt charges against Sheriff Joe Arpaio", "Feds Will Press Criminal Contempt Charges Against Ariz. Sheriff Arpaio", "Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio is officially charged with criminal contempt in racial profiling case", "Trump pardons former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio", "Trump pardons former Sheriff Joe Arpaio", "Here is the pardon Trump signed for Joe Arpaio", "I am pleased to inform you that I have just granted a full Pardon to 85 year old American patriot Sheriff Joe Arpaio. [239], Arpaio stated in a September 2017 interview with American Free Press that he would consider running for office again, including the United States Congress, if President Donald Trump asked him to. Arpaio married his wife Ava in 1958 and they had two children. The grand jury, in an unusual rebuke, ordered the investigation ended. He was re-elected in 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008 and 2012. As a result of the potential for ethical conflicts arizing from Arpaio's and Sheridan's testimony, Casey withdrew as legal counsel for Arpaio and the MCSO. The ban was challenged on First Amendment grounds, but was upheld by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. The investigation was conducted under the authority of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which forbids discrimination related to programs that receive federal funds. Sheriff Joe Arpaio's lawyers achieved what they set out to do on May 22, . Arpaio's attorneys said that he would probably appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. "[202] Arizona state officials, including Governor Jan Brewer and Secretary of State Ken Bennett, also dismissed Arpaio's objections and accepted the validity of Obama's birth certificate. Despite allegations of misuse of funds received from these sales, Arpaio declined to provide an accounting for the money. In one case, he was a defendant in a decade-long suit in which a federal court issued an injunction barring him from conducting further "immigration round-ups". He was featured and profiled by news media worldwide and claimed to average 200 television appearances per month. [238], On May 30, 2013, a recall attempt on Arpaio again failed only a week after a federal judge ruled that the sheriff's office had engaged in systematic discrimination against Latinos in violation of their constitutional rights. "[218] Arpaio expressed his thanks to the President in a series of tweets[219][220] and to his "loyal supporters. [57], Arpaio's success in gaining press coverage with the pink underwear resulted in his extending the use of the color. [122] Indicted on 25 felony counts, Dowling eventually pleaded guilty to patronage for giving a summer job to her daughter, a single class-2 misdemeanor which was not among the original counts, although as part of the plea bargain she also agreed to recuse herself from the Maricopa County Regional School District. Saville also received an unspecified additional compensation from the county's insurance company. Take the son and daughter-in-law of Republican U.S. So you could say he is Italian-American. [245] This followed comments made in September about running for the office. June 14, 1932: Joseph M. Arpaio, the son of Italian immigrants, is born; his mother dies during childbirth. Legal experts agreed this was a rare move. The order stated that a civil penalty in the amount of three times the amount of money spent on the mailer would be imposed on Campaign to Re-Elect Joe Arpaio 2012. "[49][50], During the summer of 2003, when outside temperatures exceeded 110F (43C), Arpaio said to complaining inmates, "It's 120 degrees [49C] in Iraq and the soldiers are living in tents and they didn't commit any crimes, so shut your mouths! Period. Arpaio's jail detention practices included serving inmates Nutraloaf[31] and edibles recovered from food rescue[32] and limiting meals to twice daily. Susan Schuerman, Stapley's executive assistant: $500,000 settlement. "[173], In a ruling issued in October 2010, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ordered Arpaio to comply with Judge Wake's 2008 ruling, which required Arpaio to end the overcrowding and to ensure all detainees received necessary medical and mental health care; be given uninterrupted access to all medications prescribed by correctional medical staff; be given access to exercise and to sinks, toilets, toilet paper and soap; and be served food that met or exceeded the U.S. Department of Agriculture's dietary guidelines. [36][37], In 2013, National Geographic Channel featured Arpaio's jail in the Banged Up Abroad episode of "Raving Arizona". Arpaio. "[137] The complaint included accusations that Arpaio and his staff forced women to sleep in their own menstrual blood, assaulted pregnant women, ignored rape, and criminalized being a Latino. [212] On October 25, 2016, such charges were officially filed, though Arpaio would not be arrested and no mugshot would be taken. Judge Snow temporarily halted further hearings in the case, but ultimately denied the motion and resumed holding hearings. In June 2009, in response to a motion filed by Arpaio's lawyers, she recused herself. [12], On August 25, 2017, President Donald Trump pardoned Arpaio for his conviction for criminal contempt of court, a decision that provoked considerable controversy. Ava Arpaio, the wife of former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, died on Saturday. District judge Susan R. Bolton denied the motion. Pablo Robles It took Trump's pardon in. [230][231], In 2018, Arpaio sued The New York Times, the HuffPost, Rolling Stone, and CNN, alleging that their analyses of Arpaio's proceedings had defamed him. He also enjoined the MCSO and all of its officers from "detaining any person based only on knowledge or reasonable belief, without more, that the person is unlawfully present within the United States, because as a matter of law such knowledge does not amount to a reasonable belief that the person either violated or conspired to violate the Arizona human smuggling statute, or any other state or federal criminal law. Nightline contacted the MCSO after the interview and was told that of 7,346 crimes, only 944, or 15%, had been cleared by arrest. He also says his daughter-in-law is Hispanic, one of his. history. [121][122] On August 31, 2012, the Arizona U.S. Attorney's office announced that it was "closing its investigation into allegations of criminal conduct" by Arpaio, without filing charges. He claimed this saved the county $70,000 in the first year the rule was in effect. [194] On July 15, Maricopa County's board of supervisors voted to settle the lawsuit. [240] In January 2018, Arpaio announced his intention to seek the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate in 2018. Famous Political Figures Joe Biden: The Heartbreaking Car Accident that Killed His Wife and Daughter The president's life was upended following his election to the U.S. Senate in 1972 when. [187][126], On December 15, 2011, the Justice Department released their findings after a 3-year investigation of Arpaio's office amid complaints of racial profiling and a culture of bias at the agency's top level. She held that Trump's pardon "undoubtedly spared Defendant from any punishment that might otherwise have been imposed. Arpaio was an unsuccessful candidate in Arizona's Republican primary election for U.S. Senate in 2018. [101], As of June 2014, costs to Maricopa County taxpayers related to Arpaio's and Thomas's failed corruption investigations exceeded $44 million, not including staff time. [67] The editorial board of The New York Times called Arpaio "America's Worst Sheriff". Joe Arpaio, the notorious former Arizona sheriff who was pardoned by President Donald Trump in 2017, on Sunday announced a bid to reclaim his old job in the state's Maricopa County. The report stated that under Arpaio, the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office has "a pervasive culture of discriminatory bias against Latinos" that "reaches the highest levels of the agency. Arpaio. [159] The article quoted unnamed sources, including a former detective with the MCSO's Special Investigations Division, who claimed that the investigation was being run directly by Arpaio and was based on his belief that Judge Snow and the DOJ had engaged in a conspiracy against him. Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona. Joseph Michael Arpaio [2] ( / rpao /; born June 14, 1932) is an American former law enforcement officer and politician. The court upheld Judge Snow's injunction. Arpaio was defeated, receiving 19% of the vote to McSally's 52% and Ward's 28%. "[230], The legal status of the pardon continued to be challenged. U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton wrote that Arpaio had "willfully violated an order of the court" by failing "to ensure his subordinates' compliance and by directing them to continue to detain persons for whom no criminal charges could be filed." [39][40][41], In 1993, Arpaio set up a "Tent City" which he described as a "concentration camp"[42] as a temporary extension of the Maricopa County Jail for convicted and sentenced prisoners. [83], As a result of the detective's statements, Sabrina was branded by her family as a liar. [159] However, in an April 2015 civil contempt hearing before Judge Snow, Arpaio testified that his attorney, Tim Casey, had hired a private investigator to investigate Judge Snow's wife, and that the MCSO had paid Dennis L. Montgomery to investigate whether the DOJ had been penetrating Arpaio's e-mails as well as those of local attorneys and judges, including Judge Snow. [34] In February 2007, Arpaio instituted an in-house radio station he called KJOE,[35] broadcasting classical music, opera, Frank Sinatra hits, patriotic music, and educational programming five days a week, four hours each day. Anna Baca, retired Superior Court judge: $100,000 settlement. The scene of the apparent murder-suicide was discovered after a family friend called authorities to report suspicious activity at the house, spotting a parked car with a hose running from the tailpipe into a window of the home, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said. Opinion", "Fred Graves and Isaac Popoca v. Joseph Arpaio", "Fred Graves, Isaac Popoca, et al. So to the extent that I have a sheriff, who I'm not going to prohibit from mischaracterizing my order publicly, to the extent that I have an MCSO that is rife with a misunderstanding of my order and a mischaracterization of it when they are the people that have to understand it and implement it, I have grave concerns[157], On September 11, 2014, Judge Snow granted more than $4.4 million in attorney's fees to four legal organizations that litigated Melendres v. Arpaio. She was 89. [77], Under Arpaio, the MCSO may have improperly cleared (reported as solved) as many as 75% of cases without arrest or proper investigation. "[91] Following a public uproar over the arrests, all charges were dropped against Lacey and Larkin. After more than two decades, the notorious project is finally closing Valeria Fernndez in Phoenix. [152], Arpaio filed a limited appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, contesting the district court's order, insofar as it covered traffic stops outside of saturation patrols. Although he claimed in 1988 that the first 19 flights of the Phoenix E had been booked, no flights were ever made. [162][163], During a status conference on May 14, 2015, Judge Snow, reading from a prepared statement, said that documents unearthed from the "Seattle Operation" by the court-appointed monitor revealed "an attempt to construct a conspiracy involving this court" as well as other entities and individuals including the DOJ, former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, former Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon, and former MCSO Executive Chief Brian Sands, among others. Trump's 2017 pardon provided relief, and hope for a political rebirth. In April 2015, the case settled for $3.5 million. [43][44] It was located in a yard next to a more permanent structure. The appeals court did agree with Arpaio that the court-appointed monitor's oversight of internal investigations must only be related to the constitutional violations. Arpaio's book is titled "America's Toughest Sheriff. [151], In October 2013, Judge Snow issued a 59-page final order, giving the MCSO a list of reforms and requirements to institute and follow. [88], When county supervisors provided more than $600,000 to fund six additional detective positions to investigate child abuse in fiscal 2007, none were added to the sex-crimes squad. [119] Jurors interviewed following the trial said that "they were convinced that Saville had been a pawn in an elaborate media ploy. Joe Arpaio, the Arizona lawman who once proclaimed himself "America's toughest sheriff" and was largely praised by conservatives for his hard-line policing tactics, was found guilty Monday of. ", "The Latest: Senator critical of Trump's pardon of Arpaio", "Flake: Trump should have honored judicial process on Arpaio pardon", "Critics: Trump pardon his latest affront against judiciary", "Legal scholar on why the Arpaio pardon is 'troubling', "Why Trump's Pardon of Arpaio Follows Law, Yet Challenges It", "Analysis: What authoritarianism experts think of Trump's decision to pardon Joe Arpaio", "Judge denies Arpaio's motion to erase his criminal contempt conviction", "Legal groups move to challenge Trump's Arpaio pardon", "Ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio files libel suit against NYT", "Arpaio files $300M defamation lawsuit against CNN, other media outlets", "Judge tosses out Joe Arpaio's $300M defamation lawsuit against CNN, other media outlets", "Recall Petition Targets Sheriff Joe Arpaio", "Maricopa County Voters Support Thomas, Arpaio Over Recall Effort", "Recall effort against Arizona's Sheriff Joe Arpaio fails", "Joe Arpaio may challenge Jeff Flake for Arizona Senate seat: Exclusive", "Joe Arpaio running for Senate in Arizona", "Jerry Sheridan talks upcoming Maricopa County Sheriff race against Paul Penzone", "Arpaio running for mayor of Fountain Hills | Arizona Capitol Times", "Ava Arpaio, wife of former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, dies at 89", "Sheriff Joe Arpaio, this time, reveals his home address himself", "Joe Arpaio Announces 2020 Bid to Win 7th Term as Maricopa County Sheriff", Because of Arpaio's First Amendment free speech rights, the court did not require him to personally sign the corrective letter.[155]. Joe Arpaio, 90-year-old former sheriff of Arizona's most populous county, was voted out amid frustration over his headline-grabbing tactics and legal troubles. Arpaio says he has a soft spot for people from other countries and that his parents immigrated to the United States from Italy. Kenneth Fields, retired Superior Court judge: $100,000 settlement. Over the course of a decade, from 2006 to 2016, a Latino-led movement in Arizona's Maricopa County fought Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his local immigration crackdowns. It did not, however, 'revise the historical facts' of this case." [84], In December 2011, responding to continuing media coverage of the controversy, and apparently unaware that there were hundreds of victims in these cases, Arpaio stated in a press conference, "If there were any victims, I apologize to those victims. [131] Arpaio also ran many operations targeting businesses employing Latinos, and arresting employees who were unauthorized immigrants for identity theft. Immigrants: Those most affected left out of debate", "Attorneys Allege 'Culture of Discrimination' in Arpaio's Office", "Joe Arpaio Runs Another "Employer Sanctions Operation" Get This Zero of 31 Arrested Are Employers", "Melendres v. Arpaio Decision on Sanctions Regarding Adverse Inferences at Trial", "Feds: Ariz. Sheriff Arpaio violated civil rights", "Ortega Melendres, et al. County legal expenses: $458,318. [92] In 2013, the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors voted to settle the suit for $3.75 million. Although the federal prosecutors did not contest its validity, some legal groups challenged the pardon as unconstitutional. "[51] On July 2, 2011, when the temperature in Phoenix hit 118F (48C), Arpaio measured the temperature inside these tents at 145F (63C). [121][122] Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon called Arpaio's "long list" of questionable prosecutions "a reign of terror".[122]. [204], During September 2016, Arpaio claimed to be still investigating President Obama's birth certificate, stating, "We are looking at a forged document. [3][4] In 2010, he became a flashpoint for opposition to Arizona's SB1070 anti-illegal immigrant law, which was largely struck down by the Supreme Court of the United States. [223] The pardon was strongly criticized by Arizona Senator John McCain as Arpaio had expressed no remorse for his actions. He is now attempting another. [18][23] He served in the Army from 1950 to 1954 in the Medical Department and was stationed in France for part of the time as a military policeman. She told her teacher the next day, and her teacher called the MCSO. "[126], The Justice Department accused Arpaio of engaging in "unconstitutional policing" by unfairly targeting Latinos for detention and arrest, and retaliating against critics. The memo alleged years of misconduct and mismanagement by Arpaio's second-in-command and other top MCSO officers, including the use of a public-corruption task force to conduct politically motivated probes into political opponents. [248] In 2021, Ava died of cancer complications. "[113] Arpaio forwarded the memo to the Pinal County Sheriff's Office, requesting they conduct an administrative investigation. [210], On May 13, 2016, the court held Arpaio in contempt on three counts. [234], In November 2007, a group calling itself Arizonans for the U.S. Constitution and Recall of Joe Arpaio filed the paperwork to begin an effort to recall Arpaio and County Prosecutor Thomas from office for allegedly disobeying and violating the United States Constitution and abuse of power. On the witness stand in a civil trial in 2012, however, Arpaio backtracked, saying that he no longer considered the comparison an honor. Sandi Wilson, deputy county manager and county budget director: $122,000 settlement. [224][225], A number of law professors and political scientists described the pardon as troubling and unusual. Schultz Impersonation During Seven Hour Depo in Racial Profiling Lawsuit", "Arizona: Sheriff's Office Punished in Profiling Case", "Judge Punishes Sheriff Arpaio's Office for Document Destruction | Albuquerque Journal News", "Melendres v. Arpaio Decision on Motions for Summary Judgment", "Joe Arpaio Can be Sued by Detained Hispanics: Judge Grants Class Status in Lawsuit to Hispanics Stopped by Arpaio's Deputies, Orders Halt to Human-Smuggling Enforcement in Current Form", "Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio Loses Immigration Law Appeal", "Joe Arpaio's legacy in the balance with lawsuit outcome", "Federal Court Rules Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio Violated U.S. Constitution", "Ortega Melendres, et al. [236] Their petition to get a recall question for the two officials onto the next general election ballot failed when the group was unable to collect the more than 200,000 registered voter signatures required. County legal expenses: $1,682,020. [53], In 1995, Arpaio reinstituted chain gangs. [215], Arizona Governor Doug Ducey was among the politicians praising the pardon,[223] crediting Arpaio with helping to reduce crime over a long career, and Ducey also welcomed the finality that the pardon gave to the whole matter. [62] Because the MCSO lost its authority to enforce immigration law (both by losing its 287(g) authority and through a federal court order in Melendres v. Arpaio), as of 2013[update], the posse is no longer active. [171], As part of the contempt proceedings, Judge Snow concluded Arpaio and others had made intentionally false statements about the efforts to investigate him. [36][37] This ruling was a result of a lawsuit brought by the ACLU which alleged that "Arpaio routinely abused pre-trial detainees at Maricopa County Jail by feeding them moldy bread, rotten fruit and other contaminated food, housing them in cells so hot as to endanger their health, denying them care for serious medical and mental health needs, and keeping them packed as tightly as sardines in holding cells for days at a time during intake. [15] He lost the primary election to his former right-hand man, Jerry Sheridan. v. Arpaio, et al. [26][27], Arpaio was first elected as sheriff in 1992. "[85], In August 2012, Sabrina Morrison filed a notice of claim against Arpaio and Maricopa County for gross negligence. [71][73] In a statement to ABC15, the sheriff's office claimed "The Goldwater Institute's report cites the FBI's Uniform Code [sic] Reporting handbook, which is a voluntary crime-reporting program to compile statistical information and reports. ", "Human Plights Page 1 News Phoenix", "Twenty Years Of In-Tents Treatment: How Sheriff Joe Arpaio Put Racism On Display", "The Problem With Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Tent City", "Phoenix is sizzling through what could be the hottest July on record", "Temperatures rise to 145 inside Tent City", "Joe Arpaio's Infamous Tent City Jail In Maricopa County Will Shut Down", "CNN reporter Eric Phillips interviews Sheriff Arpaio and a juvenile offender", "Joe Arpaio Obliterated in New TV Ads by Citizens for Professional Law Enforcement", "Sheriff Arpaio: "I could be elected on pink underwear", "Lou Ferrigno, Steven Seagal, Join Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Posse to Crack Down on Illegal Immigrants", "Joe Arpaio's Incredibly Shrinking Posse (w/Update)", "Ill-treatment of inmates in Maricopa County jails, Arizona", "Valley rabbis' statement on Sheriff Joe Arpaio", "Phoenix Mayor Gordon calls for FBI investigation of Arpaio", "ACLU Sues Maricopa County Sheriff's Office For Illegal Arrest And Detention Of U.S. Citizen And Legal Resident", "Sheriff Arpaio Sued over Racial Profiling of Latinos in Maricopa County", "How the MCSO Neglected a 14-Year-Old Rape Victim", "Sexual assault victim claims MCSO failed to do its job", "Reasonable Doubt: Public pays the price", "Sheriff Joe Arpaio Unapologetic About Tactics, Illegal Immigrant Crackdowns", "Justice Denied: The Improper Clearance of Unsolved Crimes by the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office", "Mission Unaccomplished: The Misplaced Priorities of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office", "Goldwater Institute: Arpaio's crime clearance rate a sham", "Critics: 'Tough' sheriff botched sex-crime cases", "Joe Arpaio's Deputy Told to Work Fraud Cases Instead of Child Rape Crime", "Rape victim opens up about botched MCSO investigation", "Arpaio Is Criticized Over Handling of Sex-Crimes Cases", "Maricopa County to Pay $3.5 Million for Botched Sheriff's Office Rape Investigation", "Arpaio's office continues to investigate sex-crime cases", "Michael Lacey and Jim Larkin on the Enduring Sins of Joe Arpaio, America's Worst Sheriff", "Even Arpaio likes lawsuit proceeds funding ASU journalism program", "Joe Arapaio Basics: All You Need to Know", "Maricopa County supervisors settle lawsuits filed by 'New Times' founders, Stapley", "Maricopa County feud: What happens next? [96], Arpaio's and Thomas' actions in these matters led to Thomas' disbarment by a disciplinary panel of the Arizona Supreme Court, which found that Thomas "outrageously exploited power, flagrantly fostered fear, and disgracefully misused the law" while serving as Maricopa County Attorney. Mr Trump's announcement came during a campaign rally in Phoenix . [209], On July 24, 2015, the court directed U.S. marshals to seize evidence, which was possibly related to the contempt of court charges and was slated for destruction, from the sheriff's office. [17], Arpaio was born in Springfield, Massachusetts, on June 14, 1932,[18] to Italian parents, both from Lacedonia, Italy. ", "Maricopa County's officials tab for feuding hits $5.6 million", "Arizona Prosecutor Disbarred For Plotting Bad Arrests With 'America's Toughest Sheriff', "Andy Thomas Needs a Perp Walk With His Papi, Sheriff Joe Arpaio", "Investigator to recommend disbarment in Thomas ethics case", "Mary Rose Wilcox awarded $975,000 from Arpaio suit", "Maricopa County infighting, lawsuits cost taxpayers $44.4 million", "Joe Arpaio's campaign mailers violate rules, elections panel finds", "Office of Maricopa County Attorney: Campaign Finance Proceeding", "Joe Arpaio Fined $154K for "In-Kind Contribution" to Bill Montgomery (w/Update)", "Arpaio campaign fined for illegal mailers targeting Romley", "Joe Arpaio's office misspent funds, analysis says", "Joe Arpaio's office misused up to $80 million, Maricopa County says", "Joe Arpaio's staff misspent $99.5 million, budget officials say", "Maricopa Officials: Arpaio's Spending Illegal", "Maricopa County Sheriff's Office spent loosely", "Audit sought on how jail fund is spent by Maricopa County Sheriff's Office", "Joe Arpaio's Watergate: Read MCSO Deputy Chief Frank Munnell's Memo Here (w/Update) Phoenix News Feathered Bastard", "Joe Arpaio Knows All, and David Hendershott's His Lackey, Say Former Staffers and Critics", "Joe Arpaio aide's misconduct allegations investigated by U.S. Attorney's Office, FBI", "Man cleared of plot to bomb Sheriff Arpaio", "A Phony Murder Plot Against Joe Arpaio Winds Up Costing Taxpayers $1.1 Million", "Arizona sheriff under investigation for alleged abuse of power", "Feds close criminal investigation into Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio", "Judges file claims accusing Joe Arpaio, Andrew Thomas for abuse of power", "Dowling sues Arpaio, county for prosecution", "Arizona's Arpaio Testifies Race Not Factor in Arrests", "Arpaio vs.

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