junior warden opening lines

//junior warden opening lines

(Some say--our Junior Warden.). 3, p. 17), and makes the candidate or candidates--if there are more than one--do likewise. ', Master to Junior Warden, 'Your business there, Brother Junior? 93. (For duegard and sign see Figs. Altar and Lights. By being divested of all metals, neither naked nor clothed, barefoot nor shod, hoodwinked, with a cable-tow twice about my right arm, in which condition I was conducted to the door of a Lodge by a brother. (Some say without permission from the chair. been able to give you some tips or instruction on how the Deacons and the (In the time of Morgan, it Conductor--" Shibboleth." It is for informational purposes only and does not necessarily reflect the views Click to enlargeREPRESENTATION OF THE CRAFTSMAN'S ROAD TO THE MIDDLE CHAMBER OF KING SOLOMON'S TEMPLE. A. A. enter the lodge room, turn left to a point in front of the Senior Warden, turn about to open a Lodge of Entered Apprentices, and direct him to tyle accordingly. North side to the Senior Warden, then to the Junior Warden and then directly (4 votes) Very easy. Conductor--Brother, we will pursue our journey. ', The Master to the Secretary, 'The Treasurer's place in the lodge? Q. The Senior Deacon then takes the square from the altar, and, repairing to the door, he opens it, and says: S. D.--Let him enter in the name of the Lord, and be received in due form. The closing in the first degree, only involves the Senior Deacon and he will The Master then says to the candidate: W. M.--My brother, on being brought to light in this Degree, you behold one point of the compasses elevated above the square (see altar and compasses in this Degree, p. 58), which is to signify that you have received light in Masonry by points. They further allude to the three principal officers of the Lodge, viz. (See Fig. What are the five orders in architecture? Conductor--It has; it alludes to the manner in which my hands were placed when I took upon myself the solemn oath of a Fellow Craft. Q. Q. [i.e., furnish them with an apron. A. Conductor.--Ja. the W.M. Another prayer, as often used at opening as closing: Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity; it is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard, that went down to the skirts of his garment; as the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion, for there the Lord commanded the blessing, even life forever more. WebNow you will slip your right arm out of your shirtsleeve, and put it through the bosom of your shirt, that your right arm and breast may he naked. WebOPENING THE LODGE WM: Officers, take your respective stations and places; Brethren, be clothed. Duncan's Masoic Ritual and Monitor, by Malcom C. Duncan, [1866], at sacred-texts.com, I SHALL omit the ceremonies incident to opening a Lodge of Fellow Crafts, as they are very similar to those employed in opening the First Degree, and will be explained hereafter more. two Stewards, when the Senior Deacon stops them by placing the angle of the square against the candidate's right breast. This is essential, for in their absence, tradition holds that the officers move up in line to fill in during an absence. Q. and leaves for his chair, bring your wands back to the attention position, turn The Senior Warden sits in the west, symbolic of the setting sun, and assists the Worshipful Master in opening and closing the lodge. When processing in and out, Junior Deacon in conjunction with Senior Deacon will lead the procession under the direction of DC and ADC (Cross wands at exit). Q. WebAt the right of the Worshipful Master. As they approach the Junior Warden's desk, he (the Junior Warden) exclaims: S. D.--A Craftsman, on his way to the Middle Chamber of King Solomon's Temple. Webwelcome and needed. the right side. and Beauty; for it is necessary that there should be wisdom to contrive, strength to support, and beauty to adorn all great and important undertakings. their wands to the holder only after the knock has been given. It is so far interwoven with religion as to lay us under obligations to pay that rational homage to the Deity, which at once constitutes our duty and our happiness. Talks] [Masonic Pronunciation of jarden with 2 audio pronunciations. After Prayer WM: I now declare this lodge of Fellow Crafts duly opened, Brother Junior Deacon, inform the Tyler. A. 12, p. The Junior Deacon, with the two Stewards accompanying him, steps to the centre of the Lodge, makes the duegard and sign of a Fellow Craft, and passes out of the Lodge into the ante-room. See Fig. the Altar but not on the Volume of the Sacred Law. In some jurisdictions the Junior Warden has a particular responsibility for ensuring that visiting Masons are in possession of the necessary credentials. The conductor then leads the candidate to the centre of the Lodge, before the altar, and makes the duegard and sign of a Fellow Craft, which is responded to by the Master. attention position, until the official visitor enters the Lodge room, then cross "CANADIAN RITE:" Senior Deacon upon instruction from the Worshipful Master, How did the Junior Warden dispose of you? In some jurisdictions the Junior Warden has a particular responsibility for ensuring that visiting Masons are in possession of the necessary credentials. Bible, takes up his position to the left and front of the Altar as in the 13. He ordered me to be conducted to the Worshipful Master in the east, who informed me that I had arrived at a place rep-resenting the Middle Chamber of King Solomon's Temple, where I would be received and recorded as such; which record was then made by the Secretary (by the orders of the Worshipful Master), and I was presented with the wages of a Fellow Craft, and also the jewels of a Fellow Craft. --Who comes here? ', Ans. After being taught to wear your apron as a Fellow Craft, how were you then disposed of? JD: Brother Senior Warden. ', Ans. Brother, the first thing that particularly attracts our attention are (here the conductor steps forward) two large brazen pillars (pointing at them with his rod), one on the right and one on the left hand. Worshipful Master. I hope that I have I will acknowledge and obey all due signs and summons sent to me from a Lodge of Fellow Crafts, or given me by a brother of that degree, if within the length of my cable-tow. Q. back to the Altar, across to the Junior Warden, then back to the Altar, via the Tools and implements of architecture are selected by the fraternity, to imprint on the memory wise and serious truths; and thus, through a succession of ages, are transmitted unimpaired the excellent tenets of our institution. your chair. The Worshipful Master ordered me to the Senior Warden in the west, who taught me to wear my apron as a Fellow Craft. the great architect of the Universe; the giver of all good gifts and graces: Thou hast promised that 'Where two or three are gathered together in thy name, thou wilt be in the midst of them and bless them.' The Junior Warden should continue working very closely with the new Master Mason's Mentor, as well as the Lodge Education Officer, and the Lodge Instructor of Work, reviewing his progress frequently with the Worshipful Master. 9, p. 36), and says to the conductor: Conductor--From the real grip of an Entered Apprentice to the pass grip of a Fellow Craft. ', Ans. Amen. So mote it be. 'At the right hand of the Worshipful Master in the east.' Closing in the third Degree, after the Senior Warden is invited to give the They then retire from the Lodge to the ante-room. WM This L odge is open, in the Name of God and holy St. John, forbidding all cursing and swearing, whispering, and all prophane Discourse whatsoever, under no less Penalty than what the Majority shall think proper; not less than One Penny a Time, not more than Six -pence. In consequence of a quarrel which had long existed between Jephthah, Judge of Israel, and the Ephraimites, &c., &c. (for the balance, see page 75). As they (the candidate and conductor) approach the Master's station in the east, and when nearly there, he (the Master) says: W. M.--Brother Senior Deacon, you will reconduct the candidate to the Senior Warden in the west, with my orders that he teach him how to wear his apron as a Fellow Craft. 10. form, are arranged upon the carpet so as to represent three, five, and seven steps, or stairs. After you have returned to your chair and you are waiting for instructions to be (4 votes) Very easy. A. Candidate. WM: The first great care of Masons when convened. WM: Are all present Master Masons? Destroy the ballot in view of everyone present and return to chair. A. I did, by the order of the Worshipful Master, and the assistance of the brethren. and allow the examination. WM: The first great care of Masons when convened. J. D.--Then you will take off your boots, coat, pants, vest-necktie, and collar; and here is a pair of drawers, unless you have a pair of your own. SW: Worshipful Master. A. By it we discover how the planets move in their different orbits, and demonstrate their various revolutions. These chapiters were ornamented with a representation of net-work, lily-work, and pomegranates, and are said to denote Unity, Peace, and Plenty The network, from its connection, denotes unity; the lily-work, from its whiteness, and the retired place in which it grows, purity and peace; the pomegranates, from the exuberance of their seed, denote plenty. The Deacon gives three raps, which are responded to by the Junior Deacon, and answered to by one rap from the Senior Deacon inside, who opens the door, and says: J. D. Easy. ', Ans. corner, cross in How should a Fellow Craft wear his apron? receives the salute from the S.W. Wish me luck. SW: Tiler: Tiler dose so. The Worshipful Master approaching me from the east, under the duegard and sign of a Fellow Craft; who, in token of the continuance of his brotherly love and favor, presented me with his right hand, and with it the pass, token, token of the pass, grip and word of a Fellow Craft, and ordered me to arise and salute the Junior and Senior Warden as such. corner and then to the S. W. same route. over the top of the W.M. When processing in and out, Junior Deacon in conjunction with Senior Deacon will lead the procession under the direction of DC and ADC (Cross wands at exit). The Junior Warden ensures that refreshments are in moderation and there is no excess. the candidate's arm, he conducts him to the Junior Warden's station in the south, halts before that officer, and gives two raps on the floor with his rod, or stamps twice on the floor with his foot, which is responded to by the Junior Warden, in like manner, with his gavel. 14, p. And how were these wages paid? work in their particular Lodges. W. M.--Why leave you the west, and travel toward the east? North to the Altar. LEARN THE RITUAL . (CANADIAN RITE) moves around the Lodge in clockwise fashion, passing between the When Stewards or Deacons are called up from their Chair by the Worshipful BALLOTING: (CANADIAN RITE) Upon instructions from the Worshipful Master to The Master here shows the candidate these tools, which are generally made of rosewood .or ebony, and kept for these occasions on the Master's desk. (4 votes) Very easy. They pass on to the Worshipful Master in the east, and on their arrival at his desk, the Master rises from his seat, and says: W. M.--Brother Gabe, you have now arrived at the place representing the Middle Chamber of King Solomon's Temple, where you will be received and recorded as a Fellow Craft. 65:1 We are challenged by our opponents to prove that St. John was a Freemason. J. W.--Pass. "CARRYING:" - Always carry the wand in your right hand, however there is always JD: Brother Tyler, I am directed to inform you that the. off the first lesser light and pick up the I.P.M. J. W. (turning to candidate.) A. 'At the right hand of the Worshipful Master. right, walks along the North side of the Lodge room to the N.W. 1 These are representations of the two pillars erected at the outer porch of King Solomon's Temple. (See Fig. A. Geometry, the fifth science; but more particularly to the sacred name of the Deity, to whom we should all, from the Youngest Entered Apprentice who stands in the northeast corner, to the Worshipful Master who presides in the east, with reverence most devoutly and humbly bow. --Brother Gabe, is it of your own free-will and accord? A. WM: Brother Senior Warden. By the pass, and token of the pass of a Fellow Craft. He is the second in command, like the vice president, and if the Master is unable to attend the meeting, he may open and conduct business. The conductor and candidate now pass on to the Senior Warden in the west, where they pass precisely the same examination as that just described with the Junior Warden. ', Master to Junior Deacon, 'The Senior Deacon's place in the lodge? room 6. The Junior Warden is responsible for the affairs of the Masonic Lodge when the Lodge is at refreshment or at ease. 65:2 Gives candidate a rake across his breast with the hand; this is to draw candidate's attention to the penalty.

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junior warden opening lines

junior warden opening lines

junior warden opening lines