yuriko edh primer

//yuriko edh primer

We have several cards that use this sort of effect, and we'll talk about them later. As for interaction, Throat Slitter and my favorite ninja of all-time, card:Mist-blade Shinobi exist to help us to deal with creature-based threats repeatedly. Given the cost, Ghastlord's targeted discard is a bit underwhelming, and the four power isn't particularly threatening. Can we cast it cheaper than its cmc? Whisper lets us dig two cards deeper on demand, while Arena will help us slowly accrue more value as the game goes on. Yes, they do. I originally included cards like Ponder and Preordain as ways to stack the top of our deck, while also giving us a means of digging towards our Ninja enchantments. We've addressed the creatures and the Ninja enchantments, so we turn now to the supporting cast. A lot of Ninja decks are interested in reusing their Ninjutsu abilities, so cards like Crystal Shard, Cavern Harpy, and Thalakos Seer make a lot of sense. Most of the time I become arch enemy before I can pull a win, and I hear that's pretty common for Yuriko. We've already talked a little bit about Inkfathom Witch and Glen Elendra Liege, but Door of Destinies and Coat of Arms are intended to really push our team over the edge. Most of them are unblockable, and most of them are 1 cmc, which is what we want as 2cmc feels pretty slow. What makes ninjas good is ninjutsu. Primer; Stats; My Price Tabletop Arena MTGO. At first, I was reluctant to include these cards. I don't have experience on higher tiers power levels, so I'm soliciting advice on deck construction and game theory/strategy. However, the card that I was most excited to find was Unnatural Selection. Secondly, mass evasion is ideal here, as bouncing our creatures back and forth all of the time isn't truly mana efficient, so we'll want a way to get lots of stuff through without having to always do so much work. The ninjutsu cost of Ninja of the Deep Hours is a cmc of 2, which is a much better rate than hard casting it, and which avoids summoning sickness. Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive gets the nod because it makes many of our ninjas (Yuriko in particular) unblockable. Commander 1 Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow: $ 8.28 Creatures (24) 1 Until next time, I wish you all the best,and happy brewing! Okay, so realistically, we don't have any creatures that qualify as "Fatties," at least not as much as I'm used to when playing green. I was somewhat successful with a combo-centric Oona, Queen of the Fae brew, but by the end, my list was too linear to hold my interest. If the game goes on much longer, we can be overwhelmed by our opponents' more expensive and powerful cards. A consideration I made while building this deck was how to keep opponents from simply "cracking back" and killing us with their own dudes after we've attacked. It's a buy in tournament with prize support and as such they are not allowing proxies. I realized that it was in the best interest of the deck to have creatures with native evasion so we could ignore the cards that were solely included to grant evasion. In the current version, we can't justify Mirror Gallery, the generic Clone spells, or even Helm of the Host (which still works but is too costly in cmc) any more. Blinkmoth Nexus, Creeping Tar Pit, and Faerie Conclave offer us three additional ways to get damage through, and the opportunity cost is virtually nothing. Complete Comment Tutorial! For those of you unfamiliar with the way a typical Edric deck operates, I recommend you do a quick browse of his EDHREC page here. Added a changelog! When most people think of UB, myself included, the signature abilities that come to mind are mill, clones, counterspells, and recursion. This approach could provide some insanely powerful plays, but was also more prone to variance due to the low ninja count and the high number of high mana kill spells that could sometimes rot in our hand. This card definitely belongs in the deck, and I even know what to cut for it. We've talked about most of these cards already, and for the most part, the cards we haven't talked about are standard fare. In my old casual days I used Dauthi Slayer and other creatures with Shadow to achieve this, but today we have better options, like Triton Shorestalker for instance. In fact, in my opinion she has several qualities that make her a more appealing choice overall. If you like my articles, follow me there! Fourthly, any ninja gets us a Yuriko trigger regardless of any other abilities, so Arcane Adaptation effects that make all of our creatures ninjas can win the game in a moment. I'm excited to try out Larceny because it should have devastating implications for our opponent's plans, and I imagine we'll often be leaving them without many options to combat us. This is why I've only included ramp spells that cost 0 mana. We have to remember that evasive one drops also do terrible damage with Yuriko triggers, so we don't want more than we need. I played this for awhile because he is low cmc, and lifelink is underrated in commander, particularly when you are playing card:Bolas' Citadel for value. Some players still adopt this approach, and while it has a lot of variance, it can definitely be fun. I pointed out that it's a very real possibility for us to have a turn two Yuriko, and this is made possible because 12 of our creatures are one-drops. Support us . With Adaptation and Conspiracy, we can make use of abilities that care about Ninjas entering the battlefield like Kindred Discovery and Door of Destinies. The UB color combination has always been a struggle for me in Commander, in large part because I could never find a commander to match my personality. Our playgroup decided to try out cEDH with more budget-friendly lists.I decided to go for Yuriko (other Decks are Tatyova, Breya / Anje, X) and I took Zack's basic design of the deck. Once I have the chance to test this deck extensively, I'll have a better idea of what tweaks would make this build more effective overall. Temporal Mastery deals 7 damage off Yuriko's trigger, and you can use something like Brainstorm or Scroll Rack to cast it for it's miracle cost later. You have to discard your cards as part of the cost regardless of whether it resolves or not, and its a huge pain to discard most of your hand only to be countered! It is ninja tribal in cEDH. Its worth mentioning at this point that some lists run a lot more enablers, but I've found in my experience that this is a good amount. Yuriko Pivot | Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow CEDH Deck Tech | Up & Running | Playing With Power MTG 24,570 views Aug 16, 2021 794 Dislike Share Playing With Power MTG 72.6K subscribers Deck:. After attacking and doing damage off of these, we'll either cast Temporal Mastery if we can for its miracle cost, delve Temporal Trespass, or cast any of these spells to make sure that we get enough turns to finish them off. Mystical Tutor also cheaply gets an instant or sorcery to the top of our library where we can use it for damage or draw it, and while Long-Term Plans puts it three cards down, it can get anything and our opponents don't get to see what it is, and with Yuriko we can usually get it in a much shorter timeframe. Based on the title of the article alone, I've spoiled the surprise. I've pointed out that we'll be relying on Yuriko's burn damage to finish off our opponents. Instants and sorceries are likely our biggest issues anyway, and we'll be saving Dancer to eliminate a pesky Wrath. The first thing we'll note is that Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow is a ninja, and that she cares about ninjas dealing combat damage to opponents. This ability isn't just a win-con, but more importantly, card advantage. Ninjutsu I know what you're all thinking: "Scot! That being said, I haven't had any problems with my removal, but the numbers seem low on paper. I already did some changes, e.g. Aggro Feb. 16, 2022. There used to be very few ninjas with that low of a ninjutsu cost, so he made the cut on that alone. Originally Skulker was included in this list because of its combination of activated and triggered abilities. We still have Arcane Adaptation for this purpose, but with Neon Dynasty we're better off just playing more and better ninjas. Getting more ninjas makes this unnecessary, and frankly provides a more mechanically consistent gameplay. For this reason, having ways to reload our hand will be important if we want to have a continued source of pressure. I've loved this card in other tribal decks, and think it could have a great home here. Four of these effects is too much, Nexus is strictly better and a different permanent type than the others (and can be tutored with Whir of Invention, Arcane Adaptation is better costed and Conspiracy is more flavorful and in a different color. This week we're taking a look at Yuriko in cEDH!MOXFIELD - https://www.moxfield.com/YURIKO DECKLIST - https://www.moxfield.com/decks/AvvPQMehv0eejejUeySkAgD. By Theme We can play them at any point in the game without losing tempo, and if we play one on turn 2 it will actually save us from needing to discard a card to max hand size! Whenever I'm deciding on a new commander to build around, I look for three things: Yuriko fits this criteria to a tee, so it's no surprise that she's my all-time favourite commander. 0 0 44. philip 1 minute ago. I've recently made a Twitter account @theKnowledgePL, and I'm planning to update it with whatever I'm working on next. Indeed, this is the case with most ninjas- they are over-costed and have great on-damage abilities, but don't have evasion themselves to guarantee they can use them. Aside from the Yuriko deck, I've been trying to find more ways to interact with you all. He also has the added benefit of being able to give our ninjas evasion, which is great. Therefore Vampiric Tutor, Mystical Tutor, and Lim-Dul's Vault are quite a bit stronger than Personal Tutor and Scheming Symmetry, but they are still reasonable inclusions. While the six off the top was never bad, it always sucked to have it in hand late in game when our life total was too low to use it. I'll probably try this when I find which of the new ninjas I don't like. The MVP of the extra turn category has to be Temporal Trespass: It has the third highest cmc in the whole deck, and I've found myself having enough cards in the graveyard to cast it easily in the late game. So which new commander made this Temur Timmy writer most excited this year? For instance, I've included Mox Amber because Yuriko will almost always be on board, but I've neglected all the other moxen (Chrome Mox, Mox Diamond, Mox Opal) even though they would probably be potent here. Of my excursions into UB, the deck that got me most excited was Vela the Night-Clad. 33 lands? Until I started working on this list, I had never heard of Selection, and even though it's the only one of our enchantments that requires us to pay additional mana to get the ability, the fact that it costs two is a boon for multiple reasons. I still think Skulker will be a reasonable include because it can become a 4/4 unblockable creature on its own (and can grant Yuriko unblockable) but I also wouldn't be surprised if this card is one of the first cards on the chopping block in favor of more efficient options. Infiltrator and Muddle are two cards that do things that our deck wants to be doing anyway, and the fact that they can represent two additional copies of Unnatural Selection increases the value of all three cards. First, Yuriko's triggered ability carries with it some burn damage, meaning that we don't have to be as concerned with the pump effects that an Edric deck might need to close the game. While he'd still be better than Throatseeker because of his damage alone, he still doesn't make the cut. If we dome our opponent's with Temporal Trespass on turn two they will probably gang up on us and destroy us before we can get into a commanding board state. These cards will do tons of damage without rotting in our hands due to delve, miracle, and other abilities that allow us to skirt the cmc. Don't forget, ninjutsu is not affected by commander tax since it's an activated ability! I'm debating taking [[fallen shinobi]] and [[scheming symmetry]] out as it's been pretty expensive and risky to pull off. Being in green meant that we could play with a very lean curve and use spells to pump up the smaller creatures for lethal damage. Ninjutsu First, we can lower our land count slightly. Hi everyone! The owner of Study didn't even get to do anything with the extra cards because everyone hated on them so much! The subtle beauty of this extra hoop we're forced to jump through is that it eliminates the quality that makes Edric such a target - the lack of setup required to make him effective. She portrayed Anne Yuri in the Japanese television series Ultra Seven (1967-1968) and subsequent appearances in other Ultra Series film and television and projects. Opponents: Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain & Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Starting hand was decent but I don't remember much of it since it got wheeled away with a turn 3 Windfall.. T1 - Fetch to Plains + Soul Warden T2 - Seraph Sanctuary + Giada, Font of Hope T3 - Plains + Crucible of Worlds Lost 5 cards in hand to Windfall and drew a new 5. EDH Recommendations and strategy content for Magic: the Gathering Commander. This is often times the easiest and most effective way to win. This annoying message will go away once you do. Unblockable, "If you can see my ninjas, they can see you. Of these, Arcane Adaptation and Conspiracy are our best options, as they change the creature types of the dudes in our hand. I'm also a sports nut, and follow baseball, football, hockey, and soccer in detail. Like every deck, the supporting cards are indispensable, offering us ramp, card draw, and protection options. If you opt for a version of this deck focused on "real" Ninjas, these sorts of cards are worth considering, but for our purposes they're not very useful. Where's the green?" In the mid-game we are going to want to get some ninjas out and moving while dealing with threats that come up and searching for key pieces that will help us to win the game in an explosive turn or a series of explosive turns. I've been playing commander since 2012, and I spend my free time brewing decks and exploring new strategies. Tapped out has the "maybe" board already loaded, but I am holding onto copies of [[cryptic command]], [[deadly rollick]], [[fierce guardianship]], [[swan song]], [[mystic remora]], [[rhystic study]], [[time stretch]], and [[phyrexian metamorph]]. The original incarnation of this deck was the pre-modern horizons copy version. If you've read my primers you'll know that cEDH isn't my cup of tea and I prefer optimized commander decks instead, but if you've got 5 grand to throw into a cEDH deck and enjoy that style I'd recommend checking out the following primer- Yuriko Turn and Burn - cEDH. We are in blue, and that means we have access to Rhystic Study. Given that one of my primary issues with Vela was her cost, I began searching around for other commanders that might be successful with a similar strategy. Yuriko. So not running it makes a lot of sense as it plays out very clunky. I'm playing exclusively on PlayEDH for now. Help | Here, our top-end creatures are included to put us over the edge and make Yuriko overwhelming. There are 2 ways we can do this: One-time use tutors like Vampiric Tutor or repeatable effects like Sensei's Divining Top. It's hard to argue that Study won't do an equivalent (if not far superior) job to Arena for our purposes. Privacy Policy. If the raw card draw is that beneficial, should I include the [[rhystic study]] and [[mystic remora]] I have off to the side? Terms of Use | This pushes us in a direction of caring about cmc for reasons other than mana curve. Could you give me some advice on which cards are worth adding to my pile (~10-20 per card, not too many), which cards I could / should remove for the cards in the sideboard and general advice on the deck? As long as we have any of our Ninja enchantments active, Coat of Arms will provide gigantic increases in power to our team. The only thing better than Yuriko triggers, after all, is multiple Yuriko triggers! Yuriko Hishimi ( , Hishimi Yuriko, born June 10, 1947 in Tokyo, Japan) is a Japanese actress. Privacy statement | All of these guidelines play to Yuriko's strengths, and will guide how the deck is built. Personally, I like to play to win, and love to optimize every deck that I play. After looking at this deck, I know what you're all thinking: "Most of those creatures suck!" In many games, we can expect to have Yuriko attacking as early as turn two, and while playing a commander on turn two might be ill-advised for most decks, we don't care if Yuriko dies because we have the very real expectation of replaying her almost immediately. Dimir Infiltrator is 2cmc, but his transmute ability allows him to function as a tutor for any 2cmc card, which is great whether we use him as an enabler first or not. Insidious Dreams can also just be used as a value piece if you aren't ready to win but want to claw back from being behind. They effectively negate the "return a creature to hand" cost of ninjutsu, which allows us to further our game plan without having to take one step back, so to speak. It's another copy of the original Sakashima the Impostor and Spark Double, but it also let's Sakashima's Student become a Yuriko clone, and thus has an additional upside. They hit most creature removal, boardwipes, and Dictate of Erebos/Grave Pact, which are about as common as Sol Ring in my meta. This ninja can draw cards whenever he deals damage to an opponent which is fabulous! Either way, I couldn't be more excited to see what game-breaking stuff this card will do. With our creatures, redundancy is equally as important as it was for our Ninja enchantments. Even with a very low curve, the extra damage incurred with each attack will help take turns off our clock. If your play style is anything like mine, then Yuriko is for you! This is how we ended up with the creatures that "suck". Whir of Invention is also great in that it can get us Scroll Rack, Sensei's Divining Top, Maskwood Nexus, or whatever else we need at instant speed. But with more testing, I believe the tempo advantage they provide is enough to outweigh this downside. The London mulligan is more forgiving, so even if we have go down to 6 or 5, it's generally worth it. The most obvious benefit of this lower cost is that we will have to invest less mana initially to get our Ninja strategy activated. Check it out here if you're interested: You made it to the end! Gruul Battle Standard. Phantasmal Image is whatever we need it to be. What's particularly excellent about Student is that, in this deck, it's a Phantasmal Image with no downside that counts as a Ninja even if it copies our opponent's Progenitus. Siren Stormtamer protects our dudes from spot removal. I didn't end up including this card because it seemed too "cute," but it could be a fun option if you're in a Wrath-heavy meta. I never have enough to feel comfortable about activating the top, then leaving enough to recast the bounced creatures, or having to discard the excess cards (hence the [[reliquary tower]] and [[library of leng]]). 15399 decks (0.629%) Rank #3. Competitive My newest addition to his category is Fierce Guardianship, which is a free negate as long as we control Yuriko! Sensei's Divining Top, Scroll Rack, Soothsaying, and Lim-Dul's Vault all are in the deck to help us get what we need, to smooth our our draws, and to get Yuriko's triggers to do what we want them to do. The only card filtering option I've retained is Sensei's Divining Top, largely because the ability is reusable. 0 0 0. Unnatural Selection: While this is a decent card it eats up a lot of mana. Contact | But we can bounce them to hand if necessary! When I was new to the format and still fancied myself a control player, I put together a Dralnu, Lich Lord deck, but I quickly discovered I didn't enjoy the feeling of being on the defensive. Counterspell and Mana Drain are great catch-all counterspells, and Mana Drain has the extra bonus of helping us cast our expensive extra turn spells. Back in the Pre-Modern Horizons day we were all in on copying the seventeen ninjas we had, and trying to dupe Yuriko as much as possible. Toothy, Imaginary Friend Commander / EDH. Thirdly, ninjas have great toolbox properties, so employing a variety of tutors helps us to make sure that we have the ninja we need to deal with the problem we have. Some enablers that I used to play in the past but just barely miss the mark are Sage Owl, Spire Owl and Augury Owl. However, my playgroup is particularly hostile to Rhystic Study. I really like how Clones scale in this deck. One other thing to mention is that Yuriko's ability might tempt us to play lots of high cmc cards like Enter the Infinite in order to use them to kill the table, and the pre-MH version did just that. Scan this QR code to download the app now. This realization lead to the inclusion of Night's Whisper and Phyrexian Arena. There are four cards that let us change our creature types. Lastly, Hope of Ghirapur can lock an opponent out of the game if we're concerned about one player in particular. So I'm putting up what I have and seeing if I can learn from the crowd. At first, Sakashima seems like just another Clone. Swan Song, Counterspell, and Negate each provide us a catchall for the spells that will give us the most trouble. For a while I didnt play Memnite or Phyrexian Walker because they don't have any kind of evasion. I also like having Walker of Secret Ways as she can return our ninjas to our hand for re-use in addition to snooping on what our opponents are up to. I love the joke of throwing it for 3 million damage, but don't want to ruin games and nights. AP45054 1 minute ago. Need advice on a budget cEDH Yuriko (based on Playing with Power's deck) please! Being 14/16 cmc, they are pretty much impossible to cast in this deck, and can easily end up being dead cards in hand. Both Swan Song and Spell Pierce can't counter creatures, but we don't care much about creatures anyway. Many of the evasive creatures we're including also have card filtering applications. Blade of Selves was included in this list until the very end, but again, the cost was prohibitive. This site is unaffiliated. Finally! There are only five more creatures in the deck, and these are included for their particularly potent abilities. This week we get to finally talk about the long awaited Commander 2018 set! This will require TappedOut.js included in your blog. This is my first commander deck, and I'd like to push it into PlayEDH's "High" power level. Side note: My play group plays a lot of black, so Snuff Out can feel pretty bad. Lastly, Brainstorm and Ponder are already great cantrips on their own, but are especially powerful in a deck that depends on topdeck manipulation. To begin with, she can draw cards like a champion (even though, again, we aren't really "drawing" them), so we don't need as much draw as we would in another deck because its built in. These cards are great because they not only provide great value throughout the course of the game, but can help us to finish well also. Unless it's an emergency, we're probably not using any of our creature lands to cheat Yuriko into play, but once we have a Ninja enchantment on board, they each represent more card draw. For this reason the only high cmc cards I am playing generally are those that like Commit / Memory, Temporal Trespass, Temporal Mastery, and Alrund's Epiphany that we'll ultimate cast for cheaper. Another way is to chain extra turns: Another turn = another combat step = more Yuriko triggers. Even though a couple of these cards wouldn't ruin the function of the deck I'd personally rather not. In a deck where everything is evasive, any amount of extra buff is worth our attention, and this is one of our better options. The other brilliant thing about Yuriko is that she takes one of the downsides of ninjas, namely, their overcosted cmcs, and turns them into direct damage to all of our opponents. Yuriko (Optimized) Primer (Commander / EDH MTG Deck) Yuriko (Optimized) Primer Commander / EDH Aggro Competitive Ninja Ninjutsu Primer Tempo UB (Dimir) azja Upvote 0 Playtest v1 Similar Deck Space Card Recommendations Commander Recommendations Card Kingdom $2.7K - 2.8K TCGPlayer Mkt $1.7K - 2.2K CardHoarder 312 TIX Compare to Spoiler Card Odds Copy Instead, you can replay Ornithopter for free, avoid discarding to max hand size, and ninjutsu another ninja on turn 3. While its a great win con, there are a lot of good uses to this card, and that is why its the best card in the deck. We also want to focus on manipulating the top card of our library to maximize the damage we deal with Yuriko. Stratus Dancer is another option for countering spells, but stapled to a creature. Yuriko Casually Competitive EDH by lochrist Report Deck Name $ 909.24. We want to get damage through as early as possible, and the more cards we can draw to let us put bodies on board, the better off we'll be. In many decks there is one card that is "the best card in the deck" that is always worth tutoring. During the mid game, we mostly want to put our "high cmc but still interactive" cards on top, such as Submerge or Force of Will. Sometimes this will simply be the end of a war of attrition. Due to the unique strategy we're taking with this deck, I've talked about many of the cuts already. It was replaced by Solve the Equation, which is always good and in much more demand in this deck. Didn't I already go on a rant about only including creatures that have evasion? Baleful Strix, Looter Il-Kor, Wharf Infiltrator, Cloud of Faeries, and Shadowmage Infiltrator each represent additional options for drawing cards. Privacy statement | This leaves no room to cast any ramp spells on turn 1 or 2, and forgoing the tempo advantage to get ahead on mana is just not where we want to be.

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yuriko edh primer

yuriko edh primer