This function is designed to quickly compare operator’s billing data with Kobi system records.
The clear visualization of the results, in the form of a table with properly marked records and a set of filter parameters, makes it easy to diagnose problems with registration or call tariffs. For that comparison, records previously processed and billed by the system are retrieved and compared with calls record from the operator’s billing records in electronic form.
The function configuration allows you to compare the cost of calls without taking into account the discounts, as operators often do not consider discounts in billing. Comparison definition can be assigned to one or more operators. The tolerance table of the start time and the duration of the call allows you to determine the maximum differences between the comparisons. The result of the function can be written to text files that can be used in other systems.
There may be many independent definitions, the function can work completely automatically.
Sample screenshots:
Functionality designed for updating of organizational structure of lines, codes on the basis Active Directory database or Excel files.
This feature allows you to update organizational structures based on files or Active Directory.
Modification of line assignment is performed for one defined structure, while line / code descriptions are visible in all system structures.
Advanced field mapping and modification of processed values allows for an adjustment of the synchronization configuration to almost any data format.
The function works completely automatically in one of three modes:
- Updating line / codes descriptions and assigning them to the organizational structure based on data retrieved from CSV, XLS, XLSX files, or LDAP database;
- Updating only line descriptions based on Active Directory checks the account numbers and status, and adds a description to the line / code;
- Update only the line descriptions based on CSV, XLS, or XLSX files.
During synchronization there are abilities to:
- Change line or code assignment to organizational level for a specific organizational structure
- Addition of a new line or code and / or update of line or code parameters
- Addition of a new line or code type, and / or update line or code parameters
- Addition of a new user of line or code and / or update of user parameters of the line or code
There may be many independent definitions, the function can work completely automatically.
Sample screenshots:
This function allows you to modify the times and costs of transferred and conference calls.
The transferred and conference call processing process involves merging into a single record of all the rows associated with the switched call.
When combining records, the duration of all calls is summed and based on the calculated duration, the cost of the call is obtained.
The cost of the entire transfer can be attributed to the initiating or terminating subscriber. If the feature is not launched then each subscriber “pays for his part” of the call.
The function can be started as part of the data processing by automatically modifying the corresponding values.
This function is intended for the proportionate settlement of telecommunication costs (including subscription costs) for calls, lines, codes or cost centers (levels of organizational structure).
This function allows you to divide the actual telephone traffic costs plus the cost of line rental, codes or levels of organizational structure (ex: cost centers).
Costs can be settled proportionally to costs registered by the Kobi system or to the number of lines or organizational levels registered in the system. The system also allows you to add fixed fees.
The invoice amounts are imported from an XLS file that includes the following:
- The name of the operator;
- Settlement period;
- Net value of calls;
- Net value of subscriptions and other fixed fees;
- Name of organization structure of extensions;
Within a single settlement it is possible to choose one of the variants:
- Proportional change in the cost of each call without taking into account the number of lines and levels;
- Adding fees to an extension or code;
- Adding charges to the organizational level;
When adding charges to lines or levels, it is also possible to set the mode:
- Proportional change of amount relative to the number of lines / levels / codes;
- Proportional change in amount relative to the amount occurring at the line / level / code;
- Fixed fee for each line / level / code
For each settlement, a set of options is defined depending on the operator for which the payload is made, according to which organizational structure coefficients are calculated the and for what period the cost calculation is performed. According to the billing parameter, the calculated call cost is added to or replaces the current cost of the call.
There may be many independent definitions, the function can work completely automatically.
Sample screenshots:
This function allows you to specify limits for lines, codes, organizational levels (cost centers) or users and line or code types.
It is possible to set limits for extensions, trunks and codes. Once the limit is exceeded, an email with the appropriate message may be sent.
The function can be used to detect abuses, an alarm can be sent once when the limit is exceeded for a given period, or whenever a function is called.
This function is designed to analyze and build a base of numbers that have been transferred to the other than original operator.
If a transfer is detected, it is added as an exception to the area code table with the corresponding description, while all calls made to that number after the first occurrence of the call are retargeted.
As a result of this function, the system builds a database of ported numbers that were once used. Only those transferred numbers for which any calls have been made are saved. With this solution, you do not need to store millions of numbers and no synchronization with UKE databases is required.
There may be many independent definitions, the function can work completely automatically.
This function is used to calculate the cost of already settled billings according to other tariffs of other operators.
The tariff simulation process is performed to verify that the tariff used is the optimal for the types of calls made at given cost. It usually turns out that among the many operators and the variety of tariffs, there will be a tariff that will allow for significant savings.
This process runs on actual data, once the simulation is complete, we can run any report (for example, detailed or summary) that compares the current operator’s call costs with the operator’s call costs during the simulation. The new call cost calculated after performing the function is located in a separate call field and therefore does not affect actual cost changes.
When setting up definitions, choose the period for which the simulation is to be performed. In addition, current operator (tariff) for which we want to perform a cost comparison and the tariff to be used for the simulation (call cost conversion) can both be specified.
There may be many independent definitions, the function can work completely automatically.
This function allows you to check the degree of trunks and extensions use.
This is a unique feature that allows you to count the number of ongoing calls per unit of time, then compare the number of channels in the trunk and calculate the percentage of trunk utilization.
The built-in alarm detection mechanism allows you to quickly see if any thresholds have been exceeded at any point in time.
The result of the function is presented as follows:
- Detailed report – displays the number of concurrent calls in each second
- Summary report – Displays the time bands in which a warning or maximum alarm occurred
- Graph – displays data with the ability to group in minutes, hours, days or months
- Percentile report – Displays 5-minute ranges with the maximum number of calls, sorted in decreasing order
There may be many independent definitions, the function can work completely automatically.
Sample screenshots: