Kobi is the most up-to-date billing system for corporate customers and small to medium-sized operators requiring large amounts of data to be processed in real time.

The applied technologies allowed to achieve very high performance and stability of the application. Modern system architecture allows it to be used to calculate costs, not just phone calls, but for example the amount of data transferred or the cost of multimedia services such as sharing movies on cable networks, etc.

Data collection

The unique way to parse and standardize input data is to import them from a variety of sources in TXT, CSV, XML, XLS and as a result of queries to Microsoft SQL Server, Cisco CallManager or Oracle databases.

With the use of regular expressions in the parsing of CDR records, the system has become more versatile, allowing it to better match the needs of the customer without the need for additional programming work. The data processing works as a Windows service.


An innovative approach to tariff definition allows you to set up any possible billing plan. Unlike other billing systems, it is possible, for example, to set a degressive tariff (decreasing as the call continues) with the variable cost of the tariff unit and how the units are charged. The pricing process allows for both fixed and variable discount rebates, depending on the volume of certain calls.

The identification of special numbers allows both private and business calls, as well as assigning any type of call based on the selected number. A special mechanism for analyzing the configuration of the process of tariffs and data processing enables the “step-by-step” analysis of all the values calculated by the system, which allows for quick identification of configuration problems and significantly facilitates maintenance work.

Architecture and expansion possibilities

The open architecture of the system extends the functionality with additional modules: billings comparer, invoices settlement, moved numbers, cost limits, and trunk occupancy. The expansion modules also allow integration of the ERP or CRM applications. An additional advantage of the program is the ability to customize the interface to the individual needs of the user by selecting the “skin”.

The system allows you to add new features through their installations, similarly to browser plugins, which significantly increases the usability and aesthetics.

Simplified Licensing Model
The system has implemented a simple licensing model that allows you to quickly adapt the necessary license to the expected functionality. The Kobi system is licensed based on the number of organizational units (organizational units are extensions, trunks, personal codes and project codes). Some additional features of the system are also licensed.

The license for additional functions allows these functions to be used, but does not limit the number of definitions or their execution.


The integrated reporting module enables you to streamline and speed up the process of defining and reporting reports by automating activities, saving your reports to files, or sending them by email.

Supported report formats:
  • Text file (TXT / CSV);
  • Excel file (XLS / XLSX);
  • Excel file (XLS) using templates;
  • HTML file
  • PDF file

Predefined reports allow for easy abuse detection  in the form of more expensive or longer than declared calls. In addition, it is possible to notify the subscriber if he or she exceeds the declared quota, timed or pulsed. No Excel is required when reporting to XLS and XLSX files.

Organization of lines, codes and users

The ability to define any number of organizational structures of the same type, allowing to group lines, codes, or user IDs, has been implemented in response to customer expectations. Thanks to this solution, it became possible to build the structure grouping lines by different criteria such as their geographic location and division of the business into departments, divisions and cost centers. Each user can generate reports based on the individual organizational structure selected.

Licensed additional features:

Additional features significantly enhance the system’s capabilities and allow for personalized customization.

Additional paid features include:
  • Billings comparer
  • Structures synchronization
  • Invoices settlement
  • Trunk occupancy
  • Tariff simulator
  • Moved numbers
  • Cost limits
  • Transfers and conferences
  • Passporting
  • Block extension
  • Ticket mailer
  • Users violences
Built-in administrative functions:

Administrative functions are an inherent part of the Kobi system, which streamlines system management.

Built-in administrative features include:
  • SQL query execution
  • Structure export
  • Invoice settlement converter
  • Files compression
  • Export to Excel file
  • Structure data matching
  • Backup calls to archive
  • Restore calls from archive
  • Create database backup
  • Delete outdated reports
  • Compact database
  • Unused organizational items marking
  • Deletion of calls
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