The KobiHotel application is an extension of the functionality of the billing system to allow users to access data that is registered in the system by identifying authorized privileges and displaying only those credentials that have been granted to the user.


KobiHotel allows you to monitor on-line calls made by the exchange and display them on the operator’s screen.

This is especially important where real time viewing of hotels, guesthouses and any monitoring stations is required.


The application can be run in the context of a logged-in user (integrated Windows login) and by providing a login and password for the MSSQL user.

The user has a permission level visibility structure that restricts the scope of visible lines and calls, the rest are hidden.

  • Presentation of all realized calls in real time.
  • The ability to set individual ranges of information presented – in particular, the range of lines. It is possible to set permissions so that the operator has access only to part of the lines that he or she can manage.
  • Alarm if the daily limit is exceeded – a special alert is displayed when the limit is exceeded.
Extension blocking

Integration with the telecommunication system allows you to control the activation of the extension at the time of the guest’s check-in and block the extension upon his or her check-out.

Sample screenshots: